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“You can,” I say as my other hand comes up to her cheek to wipe a tear that has escaped. “Just tell me.” How the hell I am keeping so calm on the outside, I have no idea, because inside, I’m ready to blow.

I don’t want her to confirm my suspicions, but I already know the answer.

“I’m not leaving here without a name, so you may as well tell me,” I say, and I feel the inferno building inside of me, even as part of me is petrified of her confirming my worst nightmare.

“Danny,” she says, so quietly that I could have misheard her, but I didn’t. I heard his name loud and clear. She breaks down and I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her as she cries against my chest.

My son did this. Fucking hell.

I have so many more questions to ask her, but for the moment, I just continue to hold her as I try to keep a lid on the fucking rage that is spreading through me like wildfire, because if this is what she needs, then this is what she gets. I made the mistake of not being there for her before, and I won’t make the same mistake again.



Why is it that I trust Caleb, even though he broke my heart? Is it because he’s older? Is it because he’s got more life experience than me?

But as I look at him ordering our coffees, the way he acts and speaks, I know it’s got nothing to do with anything other than the fact that he has compassion and he’d never put his hands on a woman, ever. And I trust him because he’s Caleb. My Caleb—the one that got away.

When he wrapped his arms around me in that stairwell, I let him. I didn’t push him away, and I let my guard down, because I know he cares, and I know he would never ever physically hurt me. And even emotionally, I know he never meant to break me. I know all of this deep in my heart, and it’s why I’m sat in the coffee shop with him now. I need this feeling of… comfort. I haven’t felt this since him, and to feel it now… I need it. I’m being selfish for a moment and letting myself enjoy the fleeting moment, because that’s all it will be, a fleeting moment in time before I have to put my walls back up and deal with all of the other shit going on. He can’t be my confidante, that would be weird, but I’ll allow the here and now, where we’ll drink coffee and then return to the office once my face is a little less blotchy and my eyes a little less puffy.

“Here,” he says as he places a coffee in front of me before taking the seat opposite.

“Thank you,” I say with a weak smile. I don’t have the energy to put on a front right now. I need to save that for when I’m back in the office.

I chose a booth to sit in, in the corner of the coffee shop, and I sat so my back is to the door and all I can see is the counter to my right and the windows to my front and left. The booths are also quite high, so all anyone can see of me is the top of my head, which is perfect.

I pick my coffee up and take a sip. Caramel latte. He remembered. I didn’t even tell him what drink I wanted, but I didn’t need to because he remembered my coffee of choice. My heart decides to melt a little at that, and I don’t stop it. I let myself feel it, embrace it, before I have to lock it away again. Caleb showing up has really put into perspective that I have felt nothing for a long time, even when I thought I was. Sure, I’ve had moments of joy and what I thought was happiness, but it wasn’t. Not by a long shot.

“You okay over there?” he asks, and my eyes meet his.

“Sure,” I say quietly, and he frowns.

“You don’t have to pretend with me, Cam. It’s just me.”

“Just you,” I whisper. “Except it’s not just you, is it?”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean, you broke my heart all those years ago, and yet, here I am, feeling truly comfortable for the first time in a long time, and for once, everything feels right.” I don’t mean to be so honest, but fuck it, it’s out there now. I put it down to my emotional state, and I’m sure I’ll regret it later, but right now, I don’t.

Caleb reaches across the table and places his hand on top of mine, before he turns it over and lightly moves my sleeve up. I don’t even try to stop him. He’s seen it already, and there’s no erasing it.

With his other hand, he lightly brushes his fingertips over the bruised area, and I watch in fascination as goosebumps cover my body. How the hell can I get goosebumps from this? But the answer is staring me in the face, literally.

“I don’t want to tell you what to do, Cameron, but…” His voice fades off as I see him close his eyes briefly and clench his jaw.

“I’m going to break up with him,” I say, to save him the struggle of trying to ask the question or form the words to begin with. It’s still his son after all, and nothing will ever change that.

His turquoise pools look haunted, pained as he looks back at me.

“Don’t worry, I’ll let him down gently, blah blah blah,” I mutter quietly, and his brow furrows.

“You think I want you to be kind to him? After this?” he says, nodding to my wrist.

“He’s still your son.”

“Yeah, and right now, I’m pretty fucking disappointed in him,” he grits out, and my eyes widen slightly.
