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The lift opens and we get in, pressing the button for my floor—or should I sayourfloor, considering this is like a poaching opportunity to get her to come and work here. I had no idea that Anthony was even thinking about expanding to an ad department, but I’m mighty fucking glad that he thought of it. I must take him out for a beer to say thanks, because I’m pretty sure he came up with that idea on the spur of the moment. It pays to have friends who run companies.

This is my chance to get her here and prove to her that she never has to doubt me ever again. A do-over. A second chance.

“Wow, your floor is one of the top ones?” she questions.

“Sure is, and when you see the view from the other side of the building, you’ll understand why I fought for it.”

“You had to fight for it?” she asks.

“Yeah, it used to be the financial department, but they’re all boring bastards who get a hard-on over number crunching and never really appreciated the beauty outside. That and it was a stipulation of me coming to work here.”

She chuckles, and it’s instantly my favourite fucking sound.

The lift dings open on the twelfth floor, and I step out, stopping myself from putting my hand out for her to place hers into. It’s like I’m a horny kid again, for fuck’s sake.

As we walk through the main area, there are offices to each side, but they aren’t your usual shoebox, they are spacious and make for a more relaxing working environment. Everything screams opulence in this place, and knowing Anthony, I would expect nothing less. He formed the company a year before I left, so I wasn’t here long to begin with, after coming from a multinational corporate office, and I hated leaving as I was seeing the place start to grow. But three years later, Anthony has stamped his mark on the business world, and I’m very fortunate to be back here.

Cameron’s eyes take in everything as we go, and I point out the relaxation room for when work gets too stressful, along with the kitchen and coffee station, utilities, meeting room, and finally, we get to the last two doors. One is for the room where projects are worked on as a team, and the other is my office. But this is where she’s going to see the beautiful view that I know she will love.

I open the door to the project room, and her eyes scour the place before going to the walls made of glass.

“Oh my goodness,” she says as she walks over and takes it all in. For miles, all you see are fields and forestry, and just down below there is a beautiful flower garden that Anthony takes pride in keeping up together all year round. He even has gardeners working out there in the winter, to give it the ‘Christmas theme’ as he calls it. But I have to give him props, it’s always stunning to look at, whether you need a five-minute break or inspiration.

“It’s so beautiful.” Cameron is clearly blown away, but she still hasn’t seen my office yet, which has something a little more special, seeing as it’s at the end of the building.

“Come on, let me show you the last room,” I say as I lead her out of the empty project room. It’s empty because everyone is on lunch right now, but it’ll be bustling with activity when they all return. Everyone gets their lunchbreak at the same time, to unwind and keep everything harmonious—so Anthony says. I don’t know, I’m not the boss, but whatever he does works, and he has the lowest staff turnover of any large company I have ever worked for or heard about.

I get to the door to my office and push it open, stepping to the side to let Cameron walk in first. My office is bigger than the rest, and it has its own ensuite and seating area to the right of my desk, but the best part is…

“Oh my God, you have your own balcony?” Cameron gasps as she walks over to the glass walls and looks out.

I smile and go over, unlocking the sliding bifold doors and pulling them across, to give a feeling of inside and outside coming together and combining as one.

“Fuck, this is impressive,” she says as she steps out and leans her arms on the edge of the balcony.

“Now you see why I wanted this floor?” I ask as I take up residence next to her.

“Absolutely. Is yours the only office with a balcony?”

“Mine and Anthony’s,” I confirm.

“How did I not know that this is what you do? I mean, I knew you were an office guy back then, but how have I not heard of you before now at any meetings or anything with any other companies?”

“Because I kept my head down in bigger companies and had no interest in being the top guy of anything, until I came here. It’s different here, more relaxed, more room to breathe and not have your ideas pushed to the side so easily because someone younger and better looking comes along.”

Cameron nods as if she understands what that’s like, but she’s still in her twenties and probably hasn’t experienced half of the corporate bullshit that I have. But I have no doubt that she has seen plenty since she started working for Mr Garrett.

“This sure beats being based in the city,” she says, and I turn to look at her.

“So leave and come work here.”


“No, just listen to me,” I say, needing to convince her that this is the right place for her. “This doesn’t have to be weird. Just because we’ve been together, doesn’t mean that you can’t take a job here, and you’re being offered your own department to run. Plus, there are added bonuses and a great pension scheme, work benefits, and the added option of helping to pick who you employ.”

“Really?” she says, her ears perking up a little more at that piece of information.

“Out of all of that, you pick up on who you can employ?” I ask.
