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“Good morning, boss man,” I purr as I open Caleb’s office door and poke my head in, making sure the coast is clear first, of course.

“Good morning, minx,” he replies, and I laugh as I walk in and close the door behind me, going to his desk and placing the coffee I bought for him in front of him.

“I take it you enjoyed the show last night?” I tease as I sip my own coffee and grin behind the cup.

He smirks at me, and it makes my insides flutter. “I did, and I can’t wait to re-enact it.”

The fucking girly giggle that leaves me could almost be classed as embarrassing, but hey, when a hot as fuck older man says he wants to re-enact steamy sex with you at some point, you’re not going to turn it down, especially when he looks like he does. I mean, he really doesn’t make it fair to other men, regardless of age.

The phone in his office goes, and he groans as he looks at it. “Fucking purchasing,” he fumes as he grits his teeth and answers the call. I signal to him that I’ll see him later, and he acknowledges my exit with a wink. And I may just wiggle my arse from side to side a little more than is necessary as I go, feeling so fucking smug with my love life that it is ridiculous.

* * *

“You ready to get out of here?” Caleb says from the doorway of my office as he leans against the frame, his hands in his pockets and looking all kinds of sinfully sexy that it should be illegal.

My fucking heart doesn’t stand a chance, never mind my pussy.

“Sure am,” I say with a smile as I switch my computer off and grab my bag. When I reach him by the door, my knees almost give out as he says, “I’m gonna eat your pussy later like it’s the last time I will ever do so.”

And then the bastard winks and turns around, making his way along the corridor.

I recover and follow him, keeping a little distance because no one knows about us yet, except for Marcie and Anthony—that is unless anyone has figured out our secret. I guess it wouldn’t be too hard to work out, seeing as I practically drool every time he’s near me or in the same room. I also fail to give a shit. What Gran said is right, life is too short, and I’ve wasted enough of it without Caleb as it is.

We take our separate cars back to my gran’s house, and he parks behind me on the driveway when we get there, but before I can do anything other than exit my car, he’s caging me in, his arms resting on the frame as his lips capture mine, stealing the breath from my lungs.

“I’ve been waiting to do that all day,” he says quietly when he breaks his lips away from mine.

“Totally worth the wait.”

“Always,” he says with a smile, and then he takes my hand in his and lets me shut my car door and lock it before I lead him to the cottage.

When I open the door, the smells that assault my nose have my stomach grumbling, and I know that Gran will have been whipping up a storm in the kitchen all day, ready for tonight.

“Gran,” I call out, and she appears at the end of the hallway a few seconds later, an apron on and oven mitts covering her hands.

“Oh, come in, come in,” she says as she hovers by the door to the kitchen. “Good to see you again, boy, but I must go and tend to my shanks before they burn.” And then she disappears, and I stifle the urge to laugh.

“I hope she means lamb when she’s referring to shanks,” Caleb comments, and I can’t hold my laughter anymore as I grab his hand and lead him to where Gran disappeared.

We enter the kitchen and I see she’s moved tonight’s dinner into the dining room, with the table all set up like royalty is coming. Okay, maybe not royalty, but it’s still fancy compared to normal.

“Gran, you didn’t have to go to all of this trouble,” I say, but she simply waves me off.

“No bother at all, child. Now go, sit, and I will be with you in a moment.”

I know better than to get in her way when she’s cooking, so I move through to the dining table and take a seat. Caleb, however, doesn’t get the memo as he offers his help to Gran. I wait for her to shoo him away, but when she says, “Thank you, dear,” and passes him the gravy boat, I think I’m more gobsmacked than I ever have been before. Seriously, she’ll take your arm off if you become a hindrance, but clearly, Caleb’s charms work on everyone.

He places the gravy boat in the middle of the table and then takes the seat on the opposite side to me, a smile firmly in place on his face.

“You know, she hates when I try to help her,” I mutter quietly.

“Then I guess I’m privileged,” he says, the smug sod.

“I guess so,” I say as Gran comes over, carrying a large serving plate which is loaded with vegetables and roast potatoes, before she totters back to the kitchen and picks up the plates with the lamb shanks on.

“This looks delicious, Mrs…” Caleb comments, and then stops when he looks at me with wide eyes for not knowing Gran’s last name. I am about to mouth ‘Walker’ to him, but Gran speaks before I get the chance to.
