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My fork clattered against my plate, too sharply for it to sound accidental. “Uh,hello. Is this dinner really turning into a business meeting?”

They weren’t shamed. In fact, they both looked up, startled, as if they’d forgotten I was there. Mom blinked. “The Brentwood High exhibit is going to be big for Center Inspire. We need to make sure all our ducks are in a row.” She went back to her tablet. “Check with Casey tomorrow to see if he’s got everything on the checklist. And to make sure to label where each student’s piece is in what room.”

I wondered what Jozie was doing right now. An hour ahead of us, she most likely would’ve already eaten dinner. Would she be with friends right now? Drawing something? Getting around for bed? I wished that I knew.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, making an obnoxious noise against the wooden dining chair. I stiffened, the urge to check it strong. Even though my parents were breaking a rule, I was hesitant to.

It could’ve been anyone texting me, really. Alex, Ava, Rachel—Connor. He’d said he would text me if he had any questions, and since then, my phone had been silent. Until now.

That was important. And school-related. I could totally make that argument. Sneaking my cell out of my back pocket, I peered at the screen.

Ava:Can you proof this when you get a chance?

My stomach dropped once I scanned the first line.

Jannor On the Rocks?! Connor Bray already moving on to someone new?

“I—I’m finished,” I gasped out, throwing my napkin on top of my plate and shoving my chair back.

“It’s your night for dishes!” Mom called after me, because my socked feet were already sliding down the hallway. “Maisie!”

“Bathroom!” There, let them fight me onthat.

As soon as I got to my room, I shut the door behind me and fell against it, practically bringing my cell phone to my nose.

My sources tell me that Connor was allegedly caught in the equipment closet after school today, and he wasn’t alone. Though no one caught a glimpse of his closetmate, his girlfriend, Jade, was at practice when this occurred. Is Jannor officially over? Is Connor Bray a cheater? Say it isn’t so!

Let me know in the comments below: who do you think could’ve captured Connor Bray’s attention, and his heart?!

“Oh, God,” I gasped, rereading over and over but not fully comprehending the words. Someone told Brentwood Babble about Connor being in the closet with someone whowasn’tJade. It’d gotten out, exactly as Connor had said it would.

The line only rang twice before Ava picked up. “Was the article riddled with mistakes? Or are you calling because you don’t have time to proof it?”

“Y-You know, it’s kind of an invasion of privacy, isn’t it?” I asked, pausing to crack my knuckles against my leg. There was no sugarcoating the wire-thin quality to my voice, a piece of string on the verge of snapping. “The whole article, I mean. That’s why I’m calling. Like…who really cares who Connor was spotted with?” I winced after I spoke, hoping it didn’t sound too offensive.

“You’re so funny,” Ava said with a chuckle, one that only made my panic tick higher. “I totally get that the gossipy stuff isn’t your thing.”

“It’s just—”

“This is big news, Maisie. Like, imagine if the world discovered that 2+2=5 instead of 4. Connor cheating on Jade is insanity. Literally does not compute.” She made a humming sound on the other end of the call. “Maybeheshould’ve been voted Most Likely To: Cheat On Their Partner.”

I dropped my head onto my drawn knees with a thunk. It wasn’t evenmethat I was most concerned about. But it was Connor who’d been in that closet—who’d given his jersey number. Connor, who was caught with someone who wasn’t his girlfriend.

Think, Maisie, think.“Maybe it’s a big misunderstanding. Is there proof that it was even him in the closet?”

“Someone said—”

“Ava, writing an article like this without proof would be horrible.” My voice was clearly high-strung as I cut her off, but I tried to keep my tone firm. “What if it’s not true? You know how the gossip mill at school works. An article like this could really hurt him.”

Ava fell quiet for a long moment, and when she spoke again, her words came out sounding small. “You think so?”

I knew Ava never posted things out of malice. If there was ever a person who embodied sunshine, it was her. Sometimes she didn’t think about the repercussions of things. She was focusing on the present, on what would get the most engagement, what would deliver the shock factor.

A few weeks ago, I might’ve rolled my eyes at the article, but I wouldn’t have protested like this. I wouldn’t have cared enough to. I tried not to think about that. “Is it possible to wait until someone confirms it? Until you get more information?”

“That’s a good idea,” she said softly. “This was such a good story, but you’re right. I’d hate to make things bad for Connor if it’s not true. I don’t want Babble to be known for spreading misinformation.”

Some of the tension lifted off my chest. Air leaked back into my lungs. “I’m sure something else will come up.”
