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And ugh, her boobs were even nice. I had the chest of a sixth grader.

“What are they doing here?” Alex asked, the disbelief palpable in his voice. “I can’t imagine Jade bowling, can you?”

It was an understatement, even judging by Jade’s mini-skirt and perfectly coiffed blonde hair. Her wearing bowling shoes? Definitely not. Then again, I couldn’t picture Madison bowling either. They seemed too haughty for something as fun as this.

Rachel leaned her head into her palm. “Absolutely not. But Connor? Yeah, I can imagine him bowling. God, he’s probably so good at it.”

Though my mind reeled all over the place, it had snapped to enough awareness for me to grab my phone. I clicked on the camera app, zooming in past the bald man in an orange polo getting them their shoes. “Probably not the only thing you’re imagining. What’s a good headline?”

Once I got the picture, though, I didn’t load it immediately into Babble. Instead, I found myself analyzing the shot. Connor was smiling at something Landon must’ve said, but it was Reed, who looked directly at the camera—at me—that had me swallowing hard.

“Rach,” I whispered, leaning closer. “Who is that girl with your brother?”

“I think her name’s Cindy. Reed’s latest fixation.”

Cindy. As soon as she said it, I could’ve smacked myself over the head with how obvious it was.I’m thinking about asking Cindy LaVore to homecoming. You wouldn’t care?

I didn’t care. So didn’t care.

“Hey, Bobcats,” Connor greeted when he got to the table beside ours, his features a mask of pleasant surprise. I forced my gaze on my phone. An article would keep me occupied. Would keep my attention on somethingotherthan the couple who sat down to put on their shoes.

ALERT THE MEDIA—It Must Be Date Night!

Brentwood’s Top Tier was spotted having a date night at Allen’s Alley tonight! Our favorites, Connor and Jade, were accompanied by Reed Manning and his new beauty, Cindy LaVore. Can I just say they’re sooooo cute?! What better way to spend date night than bowling at Allen’s?

Madison and Landon tagged along, too, suspiciously empty-handed. But I did get some interesting tips earlier—something about a potential babe for a certain Mr. Settler? More deets to come!

I attached the picture to the blog post and sent it off into the Babble atmosphere, not bothering to read it over.

“It’s Ava, right?”

I looked up at my name, finding Landon standing above the empty metal chair beside me. The six-foot-something guy loomed like a building next to me, looking—uncomfortable. “Hey, that’s me.”

“Can I sit here?”

“Oh my gosh, yeah, yeah, sure.” I hurried to nudge aside our drinks on the table, clearing a space for him.

Landon was a bulky guy, tall with tons of muscle. He dwarfed the chair and smoothed his hands down his knees, as if trying to smooth out his nerves. Though he wasn’t as popular as Connor, he still was cute with his side-parted reddish-brown hair that curled at the ends. The timidness about him was also kind of adorable. Someone in the Top Tier,shy. Go figure.

“Um, I heard someone submitted a tip about me to your website.” He studied the lanes, watching as Reed set up the names. “About me and my…girlfriend.”

My insides perked up at the word, latching on like a dog with a bone. “So, it’s true?”

“Yeah. It’s true. And recent.”

“Do you want me not to post about it?” I asked, trying to read between his lines, deflating a bit. It wasn’t often that people asked me not to post about things submitted about them, but I always respected the request. Even if it sucked sometimes. If Landon asked me not to post, I wouldn’t, even though I’d be dying to share.

But he quickly sat up a bit straighter. “No, no. You can. I figured you might have questions. About us. And I could answer them. For your blog, I mean.”

Wait, he was offering me an interview with him about his new relationship? I glanced around, but Rachel was too busy staring off after Connor to notice. Alex was finishing up his second attempt to knock down all the pins, failing miserably. Reed and Cindy were setting up the names on the scoreboard, but before I had a chance to look away, he caught my eye.

Crap.I tried to play it off like my gaze had just been roaming, but I’d been caught. Again. As nonchalantly as I could, I poised my phone so I could type out some notes. “So, what’s her name, Landon? The submission didn’t say.”

“Lacey,” he answered. “Lacey Churchill.”

Churchill. The last name was familiar, but distantly. “How’d your paths cross? Was it by chance?” I went into full-on interviewer mode, mentally searching for questions I knew readers would be most curious about.

Landon’s lips twitched a little, as if he thought about smiling. Or grimacing. “You could say that. We, ah, hit it off, I guess. She’s a great girl.”
