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I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, like a mouse caught in cat’s trap. I recovered cautiously, trying to get a grip on my thoughts. I wasn’t safe here. The very air around him screamed predator, and I didn’t want to stick around to find out why.

“I’m so sorry about bumping into you,” I muttered, doing my best to ignore him as I gathered my books from the ground. Instead of taking the hint and leaving, he crouched down at my side, his forearms resting on his legs.

“That all you gonna say to me? Not even gonna introduce yourself or ask my name?” He tilted his head to the side to force himself into my line of sight, his voice rough and callus as he spoke. “So rude.”

He reached up and removed his black sunglasses from his face, revealing those sharp, pewter eyes I’d seen earlier. They pierced straight through me, leaving me feeling exposed and defenseless.

I averted my gaze, continuing to gather my books before I pushed myself up to stand. “I said I was sorry. Now, I need to get to class, so if you don’t mind—”

He grabbed my wrist, yanking me up off the ground and throwing me up against the wall. My books scattered onto the ground again. The force of my back hitting the brick reverberated through my body, and a whimper escaped me.

My eyes popped open, the air rushing from my lungs. A sick satisfaction painted his face as our eyes met, and the sadistic look within them horrified me.

“I can’t wait to hear you sing for me. I wonder, have you sung for him yet?” He took hold of my other wrist, plastering it against the wall, too. I was pinned; I couldn’t even try to escape with the fear that consumed me. His grip was so strong, as if I were shackled to the wall. I fought to free myself, but it did little, and he didn’t falter in the slightest. My body tensed, cringing back against the wall as he leaned closer. His face buried into my neck, and he inhaled deeply.

“Mm, you smell good. I wonder if you’ll taste good, too.”

Panic flooded me and my gut twisted into knots.Fight, Cassie! Get away from him!

My mind and body screamed at me to run, but I couldn’t compel myself to physically move. I was frozen, unable to move no matter how much I wanted to. His breath was hot against my neck, and I closed my eyes, screaming at myself to do anything.

Move, dammit!

He pressed his body against mine, knee pushing between my legs and tears dotted my eyes as the frustration, anger, and fear filled me. I was powerless against him. My lips parted to scream but no sound came, as if my voice had abandoned me.

A low laugh rippled from his throat at my pointless struggles. My eyes slammed shut, body trembling against the brick. Disgust sank into me, and I knew he was getting some sort of sick amusement out of my terror.

“Let her go, Marcus.” My eyes shot open, head jerking to the side at the sound of Damien’s voice. He stood several feet, his eyes locked firmly on Marcus, the very air around him like fire, burning everything in his vicinity.

A sadistic grin spread across Marcus' face when he saw him. “Oh? Why?” He gripped my wrists harder. I whimpered. “It’s only fair if you let me have her. You know, so we’re finally even? You’re not seriously gonna try to stop me, are you?”

“Keep testing my patience, and you’ll find out just what I’m going to do to you,” he growled lowly, and annunciated his last few words harshly. “Now. Let. Her. Go.”

“Awe, what’re you scared? Showing her the monster you really are?”

“Who do you think you’re foolin’, Marcus? He ain’t scared of that,” Barrett called out from behind Damien as he approached. “But keep at it if you like. I’ll enjoy watching him carve you up.”

More of Damien’s group appeared as well from around the corner. It was clear Barrett enjoyed the tension, cracking his knuckles as he stepped next to Damien. He was looking forward to a fight.

My eyes locked with Damien’s as he drew closer, pleading silently for him to get Marcus off me. He nodded slowly, assuring me.

Marcus' palms grew sweaty against my skin, and I caught a flicker of nervousness in his eyes, revealing the lies behind his once confident grin. He was outmatched and he knew it. Still, he wore the mask, eyes locked on Damien as he continued to taunt him.

“What’s this, Damien? You need your buddies to take me on?”

“Don’t need anybody else to beat the shit out of you.” Damien inched closer, his pace steady and cautious. “I’d rather not in front of the lady, but I can jog your memory, if you insist.”

The desperation began to show in Marcus' face, and his jaw tightened. His weight shifted as he started to move away, but he was unable to without releasing me.

“Last chance, Marcus. Let her go, before Imake you.” Damien balled one of his fists tightly. The other twitched, sitting open at his side like he was prepping to grab something.

Marcus watched Damien, his smile fading. I waited, unable to breathe as his eyes darted around, looking for any way out. “Fine.”

He turned to me, his face inches from mine. “I’ll see you later little songbird. Maybe you’ll sing for me next time.” He threw me into Damien and stormed off into the woods.

Damien caught me, his eyes focused on Marcus until he was out of sight. Barrett and the others moved to go after him, but Damien’s hand flew up to stop them.

My knees buckled under me, unable to keep myself upright. Damien lowered me to sit on the ground, kneeling at my side. His warm hand took hold of my own, his other gently rubbing my back as he attempted to comfort me. Thank God Damien came when he had.
