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My eyes fell to my feet, the water pooling in the tub as it drained.

He could have someone who could give him a chance at a future. All you can give him is heartbreak. You’d be better to just—

I didn’t let myself think further.

The hot water rolled down over my back, soothing the soreness in my joints that had taken root since I woke. I combed my fingers through my wet curls, and my hand slid down to my neck where the creature had held me in my dream.

It had been the most terrifying experience. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if those things really existed.

Steam filled the shower, and I sighed in relief as the aches began to ebb. I twisted the knob, the water trickling to a stop, and dried myself with a towel before getting to work blow drying me hair. My nerves were so on edge that, as I was finishing up drying my hair, I nearly dropped the blow dryer when my phone rang, and I reached for it see if it was Damien.

‘I’ll be there in 15. See you soon.’

A surge of excitement rushed through me as I read his text, and I hurried to finish getting ready. Feeling satisfied with my hair, now dried, I checked myself in the mirror one more time before skipping down the stairs. As I reached the base of the stairwell, I heard a knock at my door.

Those beautiful, warm, silver eyes gazed down on me as I greeted him at the entry, a smile lighting his face.

I beamed at the sight of him. “Hey!”

“Hey, Cas.” He paused a moment in the doorway. “Are your parents at home? I should probably meet them. Don’t want them to think I’m a kidnapper.”

I swallowed.He wants to meet my parents. Of course, why not? That’s normal, right? Nothing to be weird over. “Um, yeah, they’re next door. Let me introduce you to them.”

The front door creaked as I peered into my parents’ side of the house. “Mom?”

“I’m in the kitchen, Cas. What’s up?” my mom called.

“I’ve got a guy I wanted you to meet, but if you’re busy—”

My mom suddenly leaned into the hallway at the mention of a guy. “What guy?”

Damien leaned into the doorway next to me. “Hi, Mrs. Hites, I’m Damien.”

I don’t think I’d ever seen my mom move so fast. Before I could brush it off as unimportant and close the door, she was pulling me inside.

“You didn’t tell me you were seeing someone, Cas!”

I gaped. Well, if that didn’t just make it awkward. “I mean… It’s—it’s nothing—”

“I was taking her out to the park and maybe to dinner after and I wanted to meet you before we left.” While I was a blundered mess, Damien was cool and collected; and I couldn’t help but feel like he’d dialed his charm up to its highest level. His eyes slid to me, giving a quick wink, before he looked back to my mom.

“Well, thank you for that. It’s nice to see her getting out of the house for something other than school.”

“Mom,” I groaned.

“What? You’re always cooped up in your room reading or drawing.” She smiled turning back to Damien. “It’s time you got out there and met someone.”

An awkward silence fell, and I glanced back at the door.

My mom caught the hint, perking up. “Well, I won’t keep you two. Be safe!”

I turned, eager to get out the door before she could embarrass me anymore. “Bye, Mom.”

“Make good choices!” she called as I shoved Damien out the door, shutting it quickly.

I stood there a moment, heart racing. Damien’s low laugh made me aware of just how heated my cheeks and ears felt. He parted his lips to comment.

I shot him a look. “Don’t you even...”
