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“Almost as long as I can remember,” I answered.

Kat leaned forward. “Since we were six.”

“Wow, so pretty much all your life,” Damien responded.

I nodded.

“I wanna know what spell you guys cast to convince her to get out of her house and socialize.” Kat slid a glance at me.

I rolled my eyes. “I'm sorry I don't like people.”

Damien laughed. “It's ok, I don't like people either.”

Barrett lifted his bottle to his lips, drinking down the amber liquid, his tone sarcastic as he spoke. “I guess we aren't people.”

“Nope, just a bunch of assholes,” Damien responded without looking his way, instead giving me a quick wink as he grinned.

I tried to fight the smile spreading across my face.

“It's our charming smiles,” Vincent said.

Cole shook his head at Vincent. “You wish.”

“Don't worry, Vincent. I think your smile is charming.” I laughed as he threw a cocky grin in Cole's direction.

Damien pushed himself to his feet, walking over and leaning down to whisper in my ear. “Can I steal you for a second?”

I bit my lip but nodded, taking his hand. “Sure.”

Kat watched our interaction from the corner of her eye, a grin tugging at her lips. She didn't say anything, and instead started up a conversation with Barrett and the others.

Damien led me away from the fire toward his porch.

“How’re you feeling today?” he asked as we entered the back door into the kitchen.

My brows narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“You took a hard fall yesterday. I didn't know if you got any bruising or anything.”

I snickered. “I'm tough, a fall won't keep me down.”

“I didn't think it would. I was just worried,” he said, smiling down at me warmly.

I hadn't realized that he still held my hand until I felt the sweeping motion of his thumb over my skin. My heart hammered, and I took a deep breath.

“Kat seems to be getting along with everyone,” I said, trying to ignore the flood of emotions that were leaving my lungs incapable of breathing.

He didn't respond at first. “She fits in. Hopefully Barrett can stay on his best behavior.”

Silence hung between us for a moment, and I was conflicted whether I should let him continue to hold my hand or if I should pull away.

“Look, Cas. If—” I looked up at him when he went silent. His eyes were lowered on my hand. “If you regret yesterday... I'm sorry.”

“Regret—” Shit, he’d completely misunderstood me. “No. I don't... I don't regret it at all.”

His brows narrowed; those intense eyes were full of a sort of sadness that sunk into a deeper part of me. I hated this, hated that after something might be sparking to life between us, I was considering snuffing it out.

“If this is too much, I can back off.”
