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Damien seemed confused by my sudden concern for his wellbeing, and then seemed to realize what I was talking about. “Oh, no. I’m fine, I’m alright,” he assured me, his hands urging me to lay back down.

“What do you mean you’re alright? You’re bleeding, badly!”

“Cas.” His hand cushioned my cheek, and I stopped, my eyes locking with his, wide and worried.

His eyes were soft, reassuring me he was ok. “I’m alright. I promise. Now, please, let me talk.”

I took a deep, uneven breath, letting it out slowly, trying my best to ease back down onto the bed.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been honest with you. The dreams you had of the darklings. They’re—” He paused a moment, collecting himself, and then after a few seconds continued. “Cas, I’m about to go against a major rule of our, uh, group, but I fear you’re no longer safe if I continue to leave you in the dark.”

He pursed his lips as he calculated his next words. “It’s difficult to explain right now. There is so much to tell you. I promise to explain it all, but you need to promise me you’ll keep what I’m about to tell you a secret. You can’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”

His eyes burned like fire as he stared into mine, waiting for an answer, eager for it. My dizzy thoughts jumped around as I opened my mouth to speak.

“Damien, wipe her mind! She can’t know!” Barrett yelled before I could say anything.

“You don’t understand, Barrett!” Damien barked back, his eyes not leaving me. He looked like he was trying to keep calm for my sake, but Barrett was testing his patience.

“She’s going to tell someone, Damien. We can’t trust humans. It’s against our laws—”

“I promise,” I cut in. Barrett stopped short and began to shake, his fists balling at his sides tightly. “I won’t tell anyone your secret.”

Damien’s expression softened, and a smile lit up his beautiful face, his words so soft they were almost a whisper. “You haven’t changed one bit,mea luna.”

His words confused me. What did he mean by I haven’t changed?

“You remember the dream you had before?” he asked, looking down at me. I nodded.

“Damien, erase her memory now or I’ll do the job myself,” Barrett threatened. No, it wasn't a threat. It was a promise. How could that even be possible, though?

Damien jumped to his feet, turning to stand against Barrett. “Touch her, Barrett, and I swear to the Gods, it’ll be the lastfuckingthing you do.” Damien’s fury was palpable. If it wasn’t in my defense, I would’ve been terrified of him.

Damien continued. “You’re treading a fine line, Barrett.”

Their eyes locked, a strange electric energy filling the air. When Vincent and Cole moved to intervene, Damien rose a hand and they halted, obeying. Barrett took a step back, as if some strange understanding passed between them.

“I believe they’re luring her out somehow.” Damien paused a moment, his eyes dancing as he sorted through his thoughts. “I’ve had to save her from them two nights now, Barrett. She didn’t know how she got there, but she was there.”

He turned to glance back at me. “Cassie’s no longer safe. They know about her. She’s easy prey at this point.”

“So? Who cares? We kill ‘em all the time. What’s one more darkling?”

Damien’s jaw tightened and his face contorted with rage. “It’sher, Barrett.”

Barrett stiffened, as did the rest of them.

“I knew it from the moment I saw her.” Damien crossed his arms, pressing his lips to his knuckles as he racked his brain. “I was skeptical at first because she’s human; this has never happened. I don’t know why it happened this time, but it’s her. I know it.”

Barrett remained silent, seeming to understand whatever Damien was talking about. Barrett’s eyes darted to me again, before he brought his hand up to run through his blond hair, absorbing the new information. Vincent and Cole eased back into their seats once the danger of a fight passed. Vincent’s eyes fell to the floor as he processed the information as well. Cole’s eyes met mine for a moment before they darted from my gaze.

I pushed myself up onto my elbows, groaning as my entire body screamed at me to stop moving. “What are you talking about?”

Damien returned to my side, helping me sit up. “I need to look at how bad your injury is, Cas. I’ll tell you all I can while I take care of that.” I tensed as his arms slid under me, lifting me with ease.

“Get in touch with Zephyr and let him know what happened. I’ll be back,” he said to the others, not looking over his shoulder as he carried me into the hall.

Nausea surfaced with each sway of movement, building something up in the back of my throat.
