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I clung to his voice, grounding myself to it. My sense of self blurred into the nothingness that surrounded me. Images flashed, rushing over me like a heavy wind, and I was swept away.

Agonizing pain ripped through my body without warning. A cry filled the room, echoing off the stone walls, and I realized it had been me who cried out.

Damien consoled me and I could feel his hand gripping mine as I agonized. His free hand reached up to dab a cool, damp rag over my brow. I eased at its cool touch, sighing in relief at the momentary reprieve.

“You’re doing amazing,mea luna. Hang in there, you’re almost there,” Damien coached, his voice gentle yet powerful, and it gave me strength to continue through the pain.

A thin fog hung around us, leaving my view in a haze. Candles dimly lit the room, their warm glow dancing off the stone walls that surrounded us. A woman draped in robes and cloth was crouched low, and bent over the foot of the bed, speaking commands to me. I strained to listen, but I couldn’t make out what she was saying, her words muffled. Sweat drenched my skin, soaking the fabric of my robes, and I craved rest.

“Push.” Damien urged into my ear holding me, as I cried out, every muscle in my body contracting. My nails bit into his skin as I gripped his hand. The coiling in my muscles released and I fell back on the bed, my limbs useless.

The softest cry reached my ears and a wave of emotions stretched out over me, consuming my heart and soul. My hair stuck to my skin, soaked and matted, and I tried to lift my head to look, but I didn’t have the strength.

The room was cold. So cold...

The attendant spoke, but once again, I couldn’t understand, her words murky in my ears. Damien’s forehead pressed gently to my cheek, the pride and love he felt thick in the air, and I breathed in the scent of his adoration.

“She’s beautiful,mea luna,” he breathed.

I couldn’t respond. Tears rolled down my face as indescribable emotions surged through me. Though I was drenched in sweat, my body was growing colder still. I tried to reach for Damien, my hand quivering but unable to lift but a few inches from the blankets. Gods, I wanted him close to me, to feel his warmth. My lips had grown numb, and I began to feel sensation slip from my body. My chest heaved as I breathed irregularly, and it grew harder to do so. I struggled to keep my focus, my eye lids quivering and flickering.

I was so tired…

There was a flurry of movement then as more people poured into the room, the attendant urgently calling for help. Damien tensed at the words the attendant spoke, and he turned back to me.

His words were filled with a painful urgency as he leaned over me. “What’s wrong with her?Mea luna? Hey, stay with me, stay awake!”

His hand patted against my cheek, and he gripped my hand desperately, gently shaking me.

I fought to keep my eyes open, and I managed to speak words, but they weren’t my own. My voice sounded different. “Mea sol… Is she ok?”

“They’re taking care of her. Stay with me,mea luna. I need you to keep your eyes open for me.”

“I… I’m so… so tired…” I breathed.

“I know, I know,” He moved suddenly, and the reflective glint of metal danced in the corner of my eye as he slit his wrist.

There was so much I wanted to tell him, but I could feel it creeping over me, my time was short. It took everything for me to speak the words I did, my voice breaking as I gasped for air. “Watch over her... please. Protect her… Protect… Emilia.”

“Don’t you dare talk like that. We’re going to watch over her together.” He pressed the wound to my mouth. The sweet, metallic taste of his blood filled my mouth, overflowing and dripping out the creases of my lips. Gods, it tasted so good but I… my fading strength wasn’t enough to swallow, and the droplets trickled down my throat.

It was too late, though.

“Drink, Lucia, please!” Damien begged.

Shouts echoed in the room as people rushed around me, and the cries of the sweet babe faded into the next room. My eyes fell to the doorway.

No! Don’t take her away. I want to see her... I want to hold her.

Damien wrapped his arms around me, lifting me from the bed, holding onto me tightly, as if his grip alone could tether me to this world. The life began to fade from my body, like a wave receding from the shore.

His voice was pure agony in my ear as he cried. “I can’t lose you... Not Again.”

“I love you…mea sol.” The words floated on what little air I had left, unable to hold my eyes open any longer.

“Please, stay with me!” he cried, holding me tightly. I wanted to stay, wanted to hold the sweet babe whose little face I hadn’t even been able to see, but I couldn’t hold on any longer, and my body sagged into his arms.
