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He paused, looking back down at me. “No?”

“He was there,” I said, so low I didn’t know if he could hear me, struggling just to get the words out of my mouth. Damien’s eyes widened as he realized what I meant. “He was the reason I was waking up in the alleys those nights. He was in my room after they took me. My things were in my chambers. I don’t want to go home. Please, Damien, don’t make me go there.”

“I knew he went to your house after you were taken, but that he was there before… Cole must have—” Damien’s hands twitched, and he bit his lip as he closed his eyes, trying to contain himself.

"You’re not safe there then… If you want—” he hesitated. “You’re welcome to stay at my place. I can set you up a room. Or we can get you a room at The Complex, whichever you choose. We’ll keep your safe. But your parents are terrified, and it'd be best if you at least saw them."

He was right. No matter how much I hated it, I couldn’t just avoid them. I missed them dearly, wondered how they were holding up, how Kat was doing.

I let loose a shaking sigh and nodded my head.


Isat in silence in the passenger’s seat of Damien’s car. The city flew by as we drove, but my eyes wouldn’t focus on the passing buildings, the few people, the lights. It was all a blur dancing across my vision. My heart hammered in my chest as I chewed on my nail. Returning home after everything that happened, I didn’t want to imagine what I might find there.

We managed to hide most of my wounds beneath my clothes. I wanted to spare my parents the sight of the damage done to me, but that wasn’t what had me so nervous. It was the images of Marcus standing in my room, touching my things, watching me sleep that danced in my head. They terrified me. Every instinct screamed to stay away, but I needed to do this. I wanted to see my parents, wanted to know they were okay. I wondered how Kat was holding up. Had she been searching for me, too?

Damien’s hand intercepted my fingers where my nails were near bleeding between my teeth. I gripped his hand as the car came to a stop in front of my house, but the little tan house no longer felt like home. We sat there a moment, my eyes burning into the little porch, lit and waiting for me to come home, but I couldn’t summon enough courage to do anything.

“It’s going to be ok,mea luna.” His words gave me some confidence. I knew he would be there for me every step of the way, no matter what.

He helped me out of the car, and we headed up the stairs of my porch. From the outside it looked as if nothing had changed, as if nothing had happened. I hesitated before opening the door.

“Mom? Dad?”

Chairs scraped against the floor in the kitchen in a flurry of movements the moment I spoke.

“Cassie?" My mother peered in from the kitchen, hesitating, as if she thought she might be hallucinating. Our eyes met, and she cried out, "Oh my God!”

She rushed for me, followed closely by a distraught Kat, as if they’d been hoping with each passing minute that I might walk through that door. Their arms wrapped around me, pulling me tightly against them as tears flowed down their cheeks.

My father followed close behind at a slightly slower pace, giving them the chance to hold me. My mom’s words were a blur as they spilled from her lips, and she pulled back, her hands taking hold of my face as she looked me over.

“I’m okay, Mom, I promise.” I forced a smile, my eyes burning as I tugged on my sleeve, fearing the bruises and marks might somehow be visible under Damien’s hoodie.

“Oh my God, what did they do to your face?” Kat asked, nose puffy, eyes red.

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” I said, trying to calm her.

My mother released me only to wrap her arms around Damien. “Thank you so much for finding her, Damien.”

My dad stepped in to kiss my head and wrapped his arms around me tightly, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. “Thank God you’re safe.”

“I missed you.” I wrapped my arms around him as he squeezed me. He whispered his response of love before releasing me and I turned to my mom.

"Are you thirsty? Hungry? I'll make you some food." The words flew from my mother's mouth in a flurry. “You probably want a shower.”

“No… I'm… I'm not hungry. Thank you." I swallowed. "Actually, is my apartment unlocked? I lost my keys.”

She smiled, but the pain that swept across her face made me ill. “It is… if you need to get anything.”

Kat’s lips parted but she didn’t say anything, her eyes falling to the floor as she rubbed her arm. “I’m… I’m gonna stay here and make tea.”

A weak smile spread across my face in response. “Thank you, Kat. Tea would be nice.”

My mom kissed my forehead and I turned from them to walk toward the front door. Damien followed close behind, rubbing my back in gentle, comforting circles.

“Oh, Cas,” my mom started, her voice weak. She hesitated. “Kat and I tried to start cleaning things up, but… it’s still a bit shocking to see. So, take it slow. I won’t crowd you, but if you need us, we’re here for you.”
