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Thick smoke rolled from Damien’s lips, his hand holding the thick roll of whatever he smoked just inches from his face. The smoke twisted and coiled up into the air. His eyes lit up when he caught sight of me. “How’re you feeling,mea luna?”

The conversation died down at his acknowledgement of my presence.

I smiled, a teasing tone painting the words as they left my lips. “Miteraworked her magic. I may yet live to see another day.”

My eyes drifted across the room, finding Barrett, Vincent, Zephyr, and James around Damien. Among them was a new face, a woman speaking lowly with Barrett across the room. By the looks of it, it wasn’t a very positive conversation, more like they might be bickering. Naturally, Barrett had a cruel grin on his face, and her expression led me to believe he was pushing buttons that might backfire on him.

Standing nearly as tall as him, there was no denying that she was a warrior. Her figure looked like a Greek sculpture, beautiful and full. Where her arms were exposed from her tank top, defined muscled showed, and black ink like Damien’s reached out from beneath her shirt. From an artist’s viewpoint, she would have made an exceptional subject for sketching.

Still preoccupied with Barrett, she reached up into her pale blonde hair, pulling it back into a ponytail, like she was prepping to get into it with him when she noticed me. Her pale eyes shifted in my direction. As her face turned to me, I noticed a long scar that stretched from above her right brow down to her cheek.

Ethel dipped her head into the room from behind me. “Lord Damien, yer gonna set off the fire alarms!”

A devious grin spread across his face as he put his lips to the roll he smoked, inhaling and letting the smoke slip from his lips. “I disabled those long ago,Mitera.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Never mind that. Ye need tae be more careful wi’ Cas, Lord Damien. She’s nae built like ye.”

She misunderstood the situation, and I knew it hurt Damien, though he didn’t show it. Damien didn’t have a choice but to ask my assistance last night with Cole. I knew that if it were up to him, I would’ve had no part in any of it. “Mitera. I’m okay real—”

“I’ll be more careful in the future,Mitera.” Damien accepted responsibility, a smile on his face, and my heart ached.

“Well, I need tae get back tae the kitchen an’ get lunch started. Ye lot want a bite tae eat?” she asked, looking to the others.

They all politely declined in unison.

“Alright then.” She looked to Damien. “Ye behave yerself noo, Lord Damien,” she huffed.

“I promise,Mitera.” And with that, she disappeared down the hall.

“Mitera’s getting spicy in her old age,” Barrett chuckled.

Damien’s eyes shifted to him, and he took a hit of the… cigar? I didn’t know what it was. I’d seen and smelled cigars, but this was different. The end glowed a bright red before smoke spilled from his lips again. “She’s not wrong though. We can’t expect Cas to keep up with us as a human. We need to keep that in mind as we move forward with her training.”

The words stung, and while I hated to acknowledge my own weakness, he wasn’t wrong.

“You didn’t tell me your mate was such a cutie, Damien.” The woman caught me off guard when she spoke, eyes moving over me. “I would have never guessed she was Moira’s reincarnation.”

My cheeks heated at her words. Hearing her say out loud that I was his mate sent my heart into a frenzy.

A proud grin pulled at Damien’s lips as he looked from me to her. “Careful now, Thalia. She’s got more bite than she looks.”

So, this was Thalia, a female warrior of The Order. She looked like she may even be able to put Barrett on his ass, and by the way they were acting just moments before, she seemed fully prepared to do just that.

When she approached me, I wasn’t prepared for how intimidating her presence would be. Like an Amazonian woman of Grecian times, power undulated beneath the surface of her skin. She tilted her head, eyes lowered over me. “Nice to finally meet you, Cas.”

“Nice to meet you, Thalia,” I responded.

“So, you’re really her? Moira’s reincarnation?”

I nodded, feeling a little awkward about it. “Yeah, crazy right? I heard you train recruits?”

“Yeah, honestly, I’d rather be out patrolling, but I know it’s important.” She walked around me, throwing an arm over my shoulder and leaning in, whispering into my ear. “Between you and me though, I think Barrett keeps me there because he doesn’t want me to kick his ass in dispatching darklings like I used to when we were new recruits.”

I giggled, my eyes glancing briefly at Barrett, who raised a brow at us, arms crossed tightly against his chest.

“You enjoy getting under his skin, don’t you?” I whispered back.

She winked in response. “If he gives you any lip, you let me know.”

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