Page 20 of The Heirs

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Once we arrived in the room, Halley pulled her pants off, before climbing under the covers and promptly passing out. Clearly, the exhaustion of the day had caught up to her and I couldn’t help but chuckle as she began quietly snoring within minutes. Looking away from her, I eyed Madden across the bed, silently questioning what his plan was. Removing his pants and shirt, Madden stood there in his boxers, making it clear he had no intention of leaving. And I guess after our conversation earlier, this was how it was going to be. Stripping down to my underwear as well, we both climbed into her bed, comforting her in the ways we knew how. Our future may be unpredictable, but I wasn’t upset, as I was more than content in my current present.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I woke up warm. Heat swarmed me on both sides of my body, cuddling close to me. The feeling reminded me of when I was young and Mom would wrap me in blankets before tucking me into bed, holding me tight. A rough hand gripped my waist and as the memories of last night came back to me, my childhood thoughts wisped away. Peeking my eyes open, I took in the man lying in front of me. His beard was longer than when I first met him, slightly hiding what I knew to be a strong jaw. His deep brown eyes stared intensely at me, taking in my features as I did him. He truly was a beautiful man, on the inside and out. As I continued to get to know him, I realized there was so much more to him than the grumpy Shifter everyone else saw. He was the man who reminded me I was strong, the one who wiped away my fears of the future, the one who saw the fighter inside of me. And I couldn’t deny that the more time we spent together the more my feelings developed from just physical and into something more. But it wasn’t Madden’s hand on my hip.

I could feel Eli’s strong body behind mine, spooning close to me. The two men in my bed couldn’t be more different. Madden was grumpy whereas Eli was kind. Madden was quick to action where Eli took in the situation. Madden was the darkness that matched me and Eli was the light I desperately craved. And yet, despite their differences, both men were slowly slipping behind my walls and bringing something to my life I had never experienced before.

I felt Eli’s hand tighten on my hip as Madden continued to gaze at me, but I didn’t dare move, afraid to break the bubble we were in. I knew we had briefly discussed the situation last night, but now with both of them half naked and in my bed, I wasn’t sure what to do. Just because I was with both didn’t mean I wouldbe with both of them. Except as both bodies scooted closer to mine, I couldn’t deny that I wouldn’t mind it. In fact, I could feel the pulse start low in my belly as I thought about all we could get up to in bed.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, I felt Eli’s warm breath against my neck, before his lips began marking a trail up and down to my collarbone, nipping and sucking as he went. I let out a sigh as my eyes closed, relishing in the feelings coursing through my body. A low growl came from Madden and then he was right there, his mouth colliding with mine, refusing to be left out. I had worried my mind would overthink the situation, but with both men controlling my body, I was lost to the sensations, not a thought in my mind except for what felt right.

Madden’s tongue tangled with mine, fighting for dominance and I willingly gave him control, enjoying the feeling of letting go and putting my pleasure in someone else’s hands. Eli continued his torment against my neck and collarbone, his hand shifting from my hip and slipping beneath the waistband of my underwear. His fingers dipped inside my panties, spreading the wetness and causing me to moan into Madden’s mouth. The sound only spurred both of them on and Madden continued to devour my mouth, his hands pushing beneath my shirt and cupping my breasts. As if they could read each other’s minds, Eli began massaging my clit at the same time Madden pinched a nipple between his fingers, rolling, and pleasure boiled in my core.

The two men continued to play my body like an instrument, and I wriggled under their hands and mouths, needing more.

“More,” I breathed on a moan, breaking away from Madden.

Madden grinned down at me, lust brewing in his gaze and I felt Eli’s smile against my shoulder.

“Our girl wants more; we’ll give her more.” Eli whispered, his voice husky from sleep and arousal.

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Madden groaned and then before I could blink, my shirt and underwear were torn off my body, leaving me naked, chest heaving.

Both men stared down at me, hungry gazes trailing me from head to toe and I didn’t think I’d ever felt more desired in my life than in this moment. In sync with each other and the needs of my body, both men lowered to my body at the same time.

Madden’s mouth connected with my nipple as Eli’s tongue licked up my slit and my back arched off the bed as I moaned in pleasure. Madden bit down with a growl as Eli started flicking his tongue against my clit and the pleasure began to build in my core faster than ever before.

I felt like I was on fire, lost to the feelings coursing through my body and the three differing moans filling my bedroom. Madden must have felt that I was teetering off the edge, as he moved his mouth, replacing it with his fingers and murmured in my ear, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Look at us as you come, sweetheart. We want to see your face.”

Following his demand, I opened my eyes, staring at the two beautiful men who were bringing me nirvana. And at the sight of Eli between my thighs, those striking blue eyes pinning me to the spot, and Madden’s sultry brown gaze, I fell apart, my body quaking from the orgasm that ripped through me.

After several minutes, my body finally settled, sated. Eli kissed my inner thigh one last time, before looking at me with a devilish grin, wiping my arousal off his mouth, and holy fuck that was hot. Madden laid down on my side, tracing his large palm up and down my side, his fingers brushing against the underside of my breast with each swipe.

Looking at both men, their cocks straining against their boxers, I started to wonder how I would go about what was next. I had never taken two men at once, but I sure wanted to try, especially after what they just did for me. Sitting up on my knees, I began to reach for both of them, but Madden slapped my hand away with a grin.

“Not today, sweetheart. This morning was about you.”

I began to protest, wanting to feel more of them, but Eli must have agreed. Kissing my forehead, he began pulling on his clothes from the day before.

“Time for class, Halls. Better get up before you’re late.” And then he walked out the door, leaving me with a wink and completely ignoring the erection straining against his pants.

Madden began doing the same and he must have seen my pout because he chuckled, coming over to me.

“Trust me, we’ll have plenty of time for more later.” Pulling me off the bed, he set me on my feet and then slapped my ass, causing me to yelp.

“Eli’s right. Hurry your sexy ass up, we don’t want our special Enchantress to be late.”

And then both men were gone, leaving me alone, my body aching for more like the greedy bitch it was. Falling back on the bed, I took a deep breath. The whole world may be going to shit, but I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Special Enchantress? Maybe. But lucky Enchantress? I would definitely say so.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I couldn’t wipe the shit-eating grin off my face if I tried. What a way to wake up this morning. I never thought I’d be one to share, but watching Halley fall apart under both of us had to one of the hottest fucking things I’d ever seen. And truth be told, sharing her didn’t make me any less protective or possessive. I knew that Eli would die before letting someone hurt her and therefore, I could handle it.
