Page 25 of The Heirs

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After all our chuckling settled, I carefully lowered Kalani towards the floor and then turned towards the opening to the room, taking in the added company. Knox, Eli, Madden and Maeve all stood at the threshold, differing expressions on their faces. Eli looked delighted, Madden confused, Maeve content, and Knox solemn. I feared what the last expression meant, especially after he left to meet with Zachariah.

“What’s going on? I’m assuming you’re not all here for no reason.” I inquired.

As much as we had all started spending time with each other in the past few weeks, it was usually only all of us when we had something important to discuss. Knox began speaking and my suspicions were confirmed.

“I just met with Zachariah and the Council. We leave tomorrow.” His tone was somber and immediately, the joy in the room was sucked out. I had assumed Knox had already told the others, but by their expressions, this was the first they were hearing of it too.

Eli’s grin disappeared and Maeve looked towards Kalani with concern, whereas Madden’s eyes faded into determination. The same look I had seen on his face when he had killed as many Hunters as he could.

“What do we need to do?” I asked after I finally gained the courage to do so. As much as I wanted to pretend that I was a badass who could take out everyone daring to harm us, I knew that wasn’t necessarily the case. I didn’t have enough control to attack the Hunters on a large scale and I worried that if I lost control, I would hurt more than just those we were aiming for.

“I need to meet with the Guard to prepare for the plan of attack. I suggest the rest of us take the night to mentally wrap our heads around what we’re walking into tomorrow. It won’t be pretty.” Knox’s words pelted us all, making this situation feel more real than I wanted it to.

After several moments, everyone began moving again, our steps slow and sad. Knox said his goodbyes to us all, taking extra time to hug Eli, before leaving to go do whatever the Council expected of him.

Kalani and Maeve both squeezed me tightly before leaving, going to spend the rest of their night with each other. As much as I wanted to spend time with Kalani before we left tomorrow, I knew Maeve needed those moments with her just as much, if not more.

Madden’s heavy footsteps sounded as he walked towards me and pulled me into his tight embrace. It felt as though he was scared to let go and I wrapped my arms tightly around him before pulling back and gripping his jaw in my hands. Pulling his face down towards mine, I melted into his mouth, our tongues tangling with more than just lust these days.

“I’m assuming you aren’t staying the night?” I asked, trying to hide the disappointment in my tone. I didn’t want to be needy. I was used to being independent and I wasn’t about to become one of those people who always needed someone by their side, even if I would miss the comfort from his company.

Cupping my cheek in his large palm, he smoothed his thumb over my lip, dipping slightly into my mouth.

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else besides in your bed, but I need to check in with the other Shifters joining us tomorrow. Alpha duty calls.”

Nodding my head, he drew me in for another smoldering kiss, causing my back to arch into him desperate for more. Before I could press my aching body against him, he pulled away with a frown.

“I’m leaving now before I tear off your clothes. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.”

Kissing my forehead, Madden walked towards the door, stopping next to Eli before he left and slapping him on the shoulder.

“Keep her safe tonight, yeah?”

Eli nodded, his expression solemn, and then Madden was gone, leaving Eli and I alone.

“Are you leaving too?” I asked, staying strong, even though I hoped the answer was no. I didn’t want to be alone.

“I have no intention of leaving you, Halls. Ever.”

I couldn’t contain my small grin at his words. I quite liked the idea of not being alone. Ever.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I curled my arm around Halley, holding her to my chest, enjoying the feel of her in my arms. Walking into her dorm, I had been ecstatic to see her and Kalani letting loose, remembering what life was supposed to be like before everything went to shit. But now, our happiness had been dampened yet again by the tidal wave of problem after problem. It seemed that everything and everyone these days were out to tear apart the comfort we were so desperately trying to build.

Halley and I had been sitting in silence for quite some time now, but instead of wanting to fill the quiet as I usually did, I enjoyed the peace that her presence brought me. When I had first met her, I had been drawn to the beautiful woman with the sad yet strong eyes, but now, my feelings were only growing every day. Each minute of friendship she had given me expanded my heart and each moment of her attention garnered my affection. I knew without a doubt that I was falling in love with the woman in my arms. And I could only hope that she shared a fraction of my adoration.

“What’s going to happen tomorrow, Eli?” Halley’s soft voice brought my attention back from my thoughts and I considered her words.

Rubbing my hand up and down her back, I responded. “I wish I knew, Halls. I wish I could tell you that we’ll get rid of the Hunters once and for all and everyone will be okay. But I have no clue.”

The truth was, I feared what would happen tomorrow. As much as I wanted us to walk in and for the Hunters to give up, I knew that wasn’t the case. And I knew that no matter how hard we tried, more Divines would be lost, their lives taken without a second of hesitation. All I could hope for was that it wouldn’t be any of the people I cared for. Yes, I wanted to do everything possible to protect Halley, but she wasn’t the only one. I couldn’t bear to see something happen to Maeve, knowing what it would do to Kalani. I couldn’t fathom losing Knox, the closest thing to a brother I’d ever had. I even couldn’t handle seeing Madden injured or hurt, knowing it would tear Halley to shreds. And yet, I couldn’t protect them all. Fuck, I couldn’t even protect one of them. I knew what the Council had planned for Knox and me, never allowing us to actually be in danger’s way.

“I can’t watch anyone else I care for die, Eli. I won’t make it.” Halley said, picking up her head from my chest and gazing into my eyes, stubbornness shining through. “I know you all have this plan to protect me at all costs. But I won’t allow anything to happen to any of you, even if it causes me danger.”

I began to shake my head in protest, but Halley put her hands on my cheeks, stopping me. “I’ve seen two people I love die in front of my eyes, not able to protect them. I won’t let it happen again.”
