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I experienced a prickly sensation throughout my body, like a wave of needles being gently poked into my flesh from all over.


He looked like he’d rather get a root canal than discuss Amada with me, but he had promised, and I needed to know what was going on between them, if anything.

“She makes me feel like I don’t belong here,” I admitted with some grief resounding in my voice.

Cyburn’s eyes met mine. They were dark and full of sorrow and apology.

“Youdobelong. You don’t need to worry about Amada and her insensitive comments. Her opinion doesn't matter in the least.”

I highly doubted that. Amada was the boastful type who did as she pleased and spoke her mind freely without consequence, even in front of her captain, Cyburn.

That was probably why she was able to get away with it so often. If no one was going to stop her or reprimand her for her behavior, then whywouldshe be inclined to ever want to correct it?

I glanced down at my plate. My appetite vanished and was replaced with sickening knots. Maybe Cyburn had a change of heart and wasn’t going to give me the scoop on Amada after all.

I was getting ready to excuse myself back to my own nighttime quarters when Cyburn spoke again, and what he said was a bombshell that immediately imploded on impact.

It was something that I never would have expected him to say, yet at the same time, I was somehow waiting for him to admit it.

“Amada and I… have a history.” As soon as Cyburn admitted this, he cringed and looked away as if he couldn’t handle looking me in the eye. He seemed… embarrassed.

I sat up straight and leaned forward. I forgot all about returning to my side of the ship. I wasn’t goinganywherenow.

“What kind of history?”

I stared at him for so long that he had no choice but to return my gaze.

“We were… together.” He licked his lips anxiously.

“Together as in a couple? Lovers? Intimate relationship?” I fired question after question at him, even though I didn’t mean to sound so invasive.

Cyburn nodded. He didn’t seem too perturbed. “Yes. All of the above.” His voice was really low, as if he felt guilty about revealing the truth to me about something that happened before we’d even met.

I slunk back in my seat and leaned my back into it.


Cyburn’s eyes were all over the place before they finally landed on me. He had a lot of regret on his face.

“I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner.”

I decided to cut him some slack.

“It’s okay. I mean… I suppose it’s not really any of my business.”

“It is when she treats you like you aren’t important,” Cyburn said.

He was right. “Yeah.”

“I am not going to let her get away with this.”

I had a lot of doubt about that, especially because I could hear the traces of doubt in his voice.

“How much of a problem is Amada going to be?” The million dollar question escaped from my lips before I had time to stop it.

I didn’t care if he used to be in a relationship with her. I didn’t want to know the details. I certainly didn’t want to picture it in my head.
