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The Belic’s thrived off of the humans they abducted and dissected. Their ultimate plan was to steal the internal organs, neural tissue, and organic brain matter of Earthly people. The purpose? Implantation of these critical parts — as if they were missing pieces to a puzzle. They used the human parts to place into their own humanoid-constructed warrior robots. The Belic thrived on this augmentation process because it gave their warrior robots an enhanced processing power. They wanted them to have the superior intelligence of a human, while still holding the strength of a robot.

Unlucky for them, but miraculously for me, I had been rescued by the brave and noble Cyburn of the planet Alesis.

Mind you, I’d never evenheardof the planet Alesis before Cyburn had swept in to save the day.

I was quickly learning that Cyburn had a notorious reputation. He had been deemed a ‘space pirate’ of sorts, infiltrating Belic ships in the space lanes and taking out as many of their badgering robots in the process.

Cyburn was on a dangerous quest for vengeance after the Belic empire had wiped out most of his home planet.

For the time being, his race was roguishly traveling through space on several generation ships. This had been a back-up survival tactic that had originally been enacted by Cyburn’s now deceased father named Tarsis who had been the king of Alesis.

Currently, Cyburn was desperately trying to fulfill his father’s legacy to take back his home planet and regain a quality of life for those in his race who relied on him the most. It was a huge responsibility. Cyburn explained to me that he had big shoes to fill, but he also had the heart and the drive to pull it off.

Cyburn had a fiery spirit. He was a revolutionary fighter, and I was starting to respect him more and more every moment. It made the superficial problems on Earth seem so trivial in comparison to what Cyburn and his race were dealing with.

I was really starting to admire him, and I couldn’t deny that fact that the pair of us had established an unmistakable bond.

He’d asked me to join forces with him and his team as a programmer, and I’d been happy to accept his recruitment because I believed in the freedom fighting work he was doing, and I had compassion for him and his overall cause.

I knew how displaced he felt in the grand scheme of things. He wanted to do more for his own kind. He didn’t want to disappoint them. He wanted to provide them with a voice, a life, and the safety and freedom they all deserved.

That’s why I felt like it was imperative for me to provide them with as much assistance as I could.

I needed to fetch out my confidence from deep inside me. It was time for me to realize that I had a lot of things stacked in my favor.

I had the education, the training, and the expertise to offer. I just hoped I wouldn’t screw it all up in the end. If they needed me, I was determined to show up, especially since my relationship with Cyburn was heating up so excitingly.



Tensions were mounting. I pretended not to notice Amada’s scathing leer across the room, but when I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw her standing there with that smoldering look on her face and her arms folded tightly across her chest, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to ignore her or her demands forever.

However, I had more pressing matters to attend to, and a business operation to run. I was the captain of this ship and the prince of our people, and I wouldn’t soon let anyone forget it.

The energy in the mess hall ofThe Bladewas buzzing with a mixture of excitement and worry. It was up to me to rally the troops and inform everyone about what was going on. Everyone deserved a current update on the situation regarding our continual fight against the Belic.

I stood in the front of the room. “Everybody listen up,” I exclaimed, my voice bellowing with reverberation through the room. “We have a lot of ground to cover and a few kinks to iron out.”

The hum of chatter began to die down as I slowly gained everyone’s attention.

“Obviously, we made it back from the Belic Harvester ship. I am also proud to inform everyone that this was done so without any resulting deaths on our part.”

A series of clapping and cheers rolled through the room, and then silence followed as all eyes curiously cut back to me.

“However,” I continued, “we are dealing with some injuries. Although we all made it out of there alive, we have to see to healing the wounded. They have been brought to the medical bays for the necessary treatment. Some might require a lengthier healing process than others. We will just have to be patient and take it one step… and one day at a time.”

“What about the Harvester ship?” Amada asked, her voice loud over the crowd of people clustered together in the room.

I paused. We were in a better place as far as that was concerned, but it was still a problem. The ship was going to blow soon, and we needed to get as far away from it as possible.

“We managed to take the Harvester ship down from the Belic Empire,” I began. “Meaning, we disabled most of their robots.” As more chatter of approval began to float through the air, I quickly went on to explain exactly what that meant.

“However, we barely escaped with our lives as the ship is about to explode and we are rapidly attempting to get away from the blast as we speak. It is a critical time, and we aren’t out of the woods yet. We need to lick our wounds and assess the damage.”

“What about Jun?” Silver asked. “I know when we were talking through the radio — he managed to escape?”

A flood of gasps and shocked voices breezed amongst the others. Eyes went wide. Mouths gaped open. A new onset of fear was unlocked aboard the ship at this revelation. Jun was notorious, and not in a good way. He was well known as a ruthless commander who thrived on dissecting human body parts for the gain of his own robot following.
