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I hugged Carmela close and gently kissed the top of her head. I didn’t want to let her go. She felt so good to hold. Her body was warm and soft, but I had to take care of this. Amada wasn’t seeming to get the message.

Along the way to Amada’s private chambers, I was doing my best to keep myself calm but it wasn’t working. I knew I was going to blow up at Amada in an explosive rage. I was done playing nice with this vile woman.

I couldn’t believe that I’d wasted an entire decade of my life being tied down to her. At least I was free now — but in some ways it still didn’t feel like I was, especially because I was still having to deal with her jealous tendencies and snarky bullshit on a routine basis.

I stormed into her chamber, not bothering to knock on the door, not waiting for an invitation inside.

Amada was standing next to her dresser. She was wearing her black uniform pants that molded to her body perfectly and accentuated her curvy hips.

Her neck, ears and wrists were bedazzled in more jewelry than evenIwore on a usual basis.

She wasn’t wearing a shirt, but she wore a black bra. I apparently stepped into her chambers while she was mid-changing, but I didn’t care.

Amada’s black eyes widened as I marched toward her. Her mouth opened in shock. She was absolutely stunned to see me thundering into her private room unannounced.

“I need to talk to you,” I demanded.

Amada batted her eyelids innocently as if she had no idea what I might want to discuss with her. “What about?”

“You know.”

“Is this about the puny human again?” Amada groaned and rolled her eyes.

She didn’t bother to continue dressing, something I 1knew was deliberate.

“Please put a shirt on.”

Amada smiled at me seductively. “You’rethe one who walked in here unannounced. This ismyroom. If you don’t like it, you can leave.”

“I’m not leaving until we settle this matter.”

“I know a way you can release some of that tension.” Amada grinned flirtatiously. She tried to approach me, but I stepped backward to avoid her touch.

“That’s part of the problem,” I hissed through clenched teeth. "Amada, you need to cut the shit. Seriously. It’s enough.”

Amada poised herself and stared at me with a surprised look on her face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes,youdo.You knowexactlywhat I’m talking about.”

Amada folded her arms across her chest and took a slow step toward me. she still refused to put a shirt on even though I’d asked her to.

She loved to mess with my head any chance she got. She was so hostile and bitter. It made me sick. It made my head spin, just how cold and calculated she could be sometimes.

How could one person usethatmuch energy to besointentionally hateful to just about everyone who crossed her the wrong way? It exhausted me just to eventhinkabout it, but it wasAmada’slife, every day.

“How many times do I need to tell you to move on? It’s not like Ideliberatelywent out there and found another woman. These things happen sometimes. I didn’t do it on purpose to hurt you.”

I’d been optimistic that she’d understand, but I couldn’t be more wrong.

The rims of Amada’s eyes became red and swollen. The structure of her jawline stiffened into a sharp and sculpted line. She stared at me as if brooding, her nostrils flaring, undoubtedly her temper flaring to unhinged proportions along with it.

“You think the world revolves around you, precious Cyburn, King of the Universe.”

“I’ve never claimed to be any such thing.”

“You’resoself-righteous.” The words dripped maliciously from Amada’s mouth like poison.

“Maybe you should do your own soul searching before claiming that to someone else,” I said, trying to tap into whatever reserves of patience I had left for Amada.
