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My heart jumped into my throat and the nausea was in full swing. A sour taste began to bubble up on my tongue and my mouth watered with worry.

Then, a giggling, cackling, wild, manic sound rushed through the hangar. It took me a moment to realize the sound was coming from Amada’s mouth. She was laughing… hysterically.

My stomach seized. It felt like a rock was sitting in there, just waiting to be retched up through my throat.

Cyburn quickly whipped around and stared at her. His black eyes had suddenly become mysteriously bloodshot. His jaw was taut. He had the stance of a boxer, ready to explode fury on the face of his opponent in the ring.

I was terrified.

Cyburn rushed toward Amada. He loomed over her, seething, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to keep control over his temper. He looked at her as if he wanted nothing more than to throw her through the wall.

“What did you do?” he demanded. His voice bellowed and crashed like thunder and lightning, unrecognizable to anything I’d ever heard before.

Amada didn’t answer.

Cyburn persisted. “Amada. What. Did. You.Do?”

Amada’s shrill laughter continued, and became harsher, louder. Crazed spittle sprayed from her mouth. Her green cheeks turned a fiery red.

Then, several warp gates abruptly opened. I forced myself to peer outside of them with a torturous dread stirring inside me.

We were surrounded by Belic ships. The realization went shattering through me at what Amada had done. She had given our position away to the Belics.

Findout what happens next in Rescued By The Alien Pirate Prince - the last installment of this trilogy!

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If you liked this, make sure to pick up book 1 in my other series, Alien Prince Charming! Keep reading for a preview.

Or check out my other series, Alien Pirates of Cania series, starting with Her Alien Captor!

Preview of Alien Prince Charming


I cleared my throat, pinched the bridge of my nose, and for the third time, inhaled deeply. The many eyes of my brothers were upon me. I braced myself as I prepared to upend their lives. You could hear a pin drop into the abyss of silence swirling through the room, but the quiet would soon come to a crashing and abrupt end.

In any lifetime, there comes a point where one is called to measure up, to rise to the occasion and do what we must to become the person we were meant to be. I was about to ask that of my brothers, and more to the point, myself.

“For the love of Trilynia, do you plan to explain sometime tonight why you’ve summoned us here, Gardax?” Rawklix asked, rolling his bright blue eyes.

The rest of my brothers grumbled their own muted impatience. Rawklix, the youngest at 18, was still callow enough to give voice to his impudent complaints.

“Mind your place, little one,” warned Manzar, squaring his jaw and leveling Rawklix with an icy stare that begged to be challenged.

Rawklix lifted one side of his mouth into a smirk. “Always such a foul mood, Manzar! You need to take a trip to my islands. If you’d tasted the pleasures of paradise, you might not be so content to sit around scratching your balls. Regardless, I have better things to be doing, and they involve naked women, so if you don’t mind hurrying this little reunion along, I’d be quite grateful.” He drummed his long fingers on the table as if his patience were wearing thin and he were warning us of an impending repercussion to that fact.

The massive square muscles of Manzar’s shoulders tensed, so I held up my hand, stemming the violence before it began. I knew a brewing fight when I saw one, and I had neither the time nor the energy to feed into these men’s egos.

Manzar was a military man and nearly as adept a warrior as myself. Rawklix stood no chance against him, but more importantly, there were matters far more pressing than the posturing egos of my younger brothers. They could clash at each other’s throats on their own time.

“Enough, both of you. Bloody each other on your own time. I will not keep you here long, for obvious reasons, but for now, Trilynian business takes precedence, and you will all sit and hear what I have to share with you,” I said, gaining the attention of all six of my brothers. My voice boomed and barreled through the room, crashing down upon them like waves pelting the sand.

I nodded to Coel, my burly guardsman, and he silently swung open the thick metal door that was the only way in or out of the council room. The room was heavily fortified and operated on its own power source, completely distinct from the rest of the palace, making it the most secure space and ideal for such a conference. If you needed to discuss private matters, the council room was where you could operate under the most discrete of circumstances.
