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I studied the panel and the monitors, trying to dissect the problem quickly before the alarm bells started ringing. At least that hadn’t happened yet. That was the next, and worse, warning stage.

“Cyburn?” Carmela peeked into the room. Her fuzzy auburn curls were wrapped around her face like gift packaging.

Her eyes patrolled from me, to Nix, then landed on the control panel that was flashing red.

She hurried into the room. She halted in front of the panel. Her eyes were fixed to the monitor screens.

“What’s going on?” She stood beside me, her fingers scrolling through the programs like a natural old pro doing what they loved best and had practiced for years.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, still bristling with unease. “Nix and I were just in here talking about the trip when the switches started blinking red.”

The trip to Alesis was supposed to be a relatively short one, problems we might run into aside. My nerves were shot. I just wanted to get there without something else going on. Perspiration laced my forehead, matting my white-blond hair to my temples.

My eyes scanned Carmela’s features for any clues. Her expression was difficult to read. However, I noted that she was focused, calm. Her fingers scrolled across the screen with fluid, rehearsed motions as if she were trying to retrace her steps in the stealth programming without damaging the equipment any further.

“The unit is under stress,” Carmela advised, her forehead wrinkling with what I could only assume was rising concern.

“Is it something that can be resolved?” I asked.

“It’s being put to the test,” Carmela confessed, licking her lips. Her eyes darted around the panel, trying to find a solution that would get us to our landing place.

“We’re so close to Alesis,” I admitted. “If we can even justlimpthere—”

Carmela’s expression was traced with resolve as our eyes locked. “I’m going to make sure that happens. Trust me.”

I nodded, providing her with an endearing look before my eyes took a cautious glimpse in Nix’s direction.

“I trust you. I’ll do whatever it takes to help you.”

“Me too,” Nix promised.

Determination lit up Carmela’s features. “It’s going to be a fight to the finish line,” she admitted. “But we’ll get there.”

I wiped the sweat from my temples with the back of my hand. “Thanks to you.”

Carmela gave me an optimistic frown. “We’re all in this together, remember?”

I shared a private smile with her. “Yes, I remember.”

My heart hammered in my throat as I watched Carmela continue her nail biting work to keep the stealth unit from completely crashing on us.

Even though we’d worked tirelessly for weeks to get the ship up and running again, we were still in a life or death situation here.

Every mile we inched along; I took a sigh of relief because it meant that we were one step closer to breaching Alesis atmosphere.

The plan was to land near the capitol in the Belic blind spot that we’d already both confirmed and mapped out in our course.

“It’s wanting to change the navigation settings,” Carmela said, her eyes flashing with concentration. Sweat glistened at her temples, too.

“Can you fix it?” Nix leaned closer.

“That’s what I’m trying to do now,” Carmela advised. “It’s wanting to be stubborn. The program settings have locked me out.”

“Can Silver help you?” I asked.

As if perfect timing finally wanted to cut us some slack, Silver inched her way into the room. “Did someone call for me?”

Carmela tossed a glance at the A.I. over her shoulder while her hands were still coiled around the dials.
