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“I don’t know how you could have been with her for so long.”

“It wasn’t easy, and she manipulated and blackmailed me a lot to get me to stay.”

“What a wench.”

I laughed. “She is.”

The radio crackled and buzzed. I exchanged an apprehensive look with Carmela.

“Who do you think it is?” Her wary voice shook with unease.

I reached for the radio’s volume button and switched it to a higher frequency.

A hollow, robotic voice came through only moments later.

“This is Imperial Admiral Mennos.” The voice sent a shiver through my bones.

“It’s Jun’s father,” I explained to Carmela. I didn’t have the radio switched to two-way communication, so he was unable to hear us talking.

“That guy who kidnapped me from Earth and then set his ship to self-destruct?” Carmela’s voice raised an octave.

I nodded with graveness. “Unfortunately, yes.”

Jun was the main Imperialist harvester and had set us up in a trap. We’d had to flee the harvester ship because he had set it on a timer to self-destruct, but now Amada had made things worse by giving up our location because the damned robot buggers showed up before we even had a chance to get anywhere.

Mennos voice crackled through again, but it was becoming sharper and clearer, equally as terrifying.

“I just received word of my son’s death,” Mennos stated. “Mark my words that I will be on the warpath to fight for justice in this unspeakable crime.”

Carmela sucked in a deep breath beside me. I clamped my hand over hers and squeezed it to help sooth some of her jitters.

“Don’t worry,” I said.

“Don’tworry?” Carmela shrieked. “He just basically told us he’s going to kill us all.”

“We won’t let him,” I said without hesitation.

The radio went quiet. An eeriness cloaked the air as we both sat in silence, waiting on pins and needles to see if Mennos would speak again.

When he did, his voice bellowed through the speakers and made me flinch. “Cyburn, this message is for you.” He addressed me directly. My breath caught in my throat as I listened.

Carmela’s eyes were wide with horror.

“I know you are behind Jun's death. When I find you, Cyburn, note that I will make sure that you see the most painful death imaginable. You will be skinned alive until your body can no longer take the pain and gives up. We are after you, Cyburn. You can run, but you can’t hide forever. My warriors will eventually hunt down your ship and when they do — your time will be up.”

The radio clicked and the line went dead. Static buzzed through the speakers. I turned the dial on the volume back to where it was before and leaned back in the seat, staring straight ahead.

“Are you going to respond?” Carmela questioned.

I shook my head but continued staring out the window. “No. I know better than to do that.”


I looked at Carmela. “Why would I give him any clues to where we are? If he wants to find me, let it be a challenge.”


