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“She could be anywhere, doing anything.”

The destructive possibilities were endless.

“I’m sorry for putting you through this,” Cyburn said. His voice was low and filled with guilt.

I forced myself to look into his black eyes. Black eyes that would be daunting and scary if they were seen by any other human on Earth. But to me, I had come to know and love these eyes.

I was familiar with the compassion residing behind them. I felt safe and comforted every time I looked into those black eyes because I knew that anything was possible when it came to Cyburn. He was quick on his feet. He was calm under critical pressure. He was a soldier. He was my warrior.

However, when it came to Amada, I worried.

Cyburn had a weak spot for Amada. I didn’t care how fervently he tried to deny it — it was true.

I knew he didn’t have feelings for her — aside from disgust of course, but he was an easy target for her.

She could manipulate him and trick him in ways that others in his crew could not. I felt so helpless watching it all unfold. I was sure ifIfelt helpless, it was probably astronomical for Cyburn.

“I have to go assist them,” Cyburn said.

His shoulders were straight again, and some of the familiar perseverance returned to his voice.

“I want to help, too," I said reaching out to him.

Silver flinched in the corner of the room. I glanced her way, but I was too distracted by Cyburn to pay it much attention.

“You should stay in here, with Silver,” Cyburn said, his eyes roaming over to Silver. “It will be better, that way.”


“You’re safer with her.”

“I’m not safe anywhere,” I protested and pointed to the ceilings. I gestured to the air vents and ducts. “She could pop out of any of these at any second and tackle me to the ground when I least expect it.”

Cyburn’s jaw twitched. He took a deep breath, opened his mouth, but clamped it shut again. He didn’t argue because he knew I was right.

My nerves were weaving into tight, painful knots. It was making me feel like I was losing control. I had a stomachache that plagued me around the clock now.

A tension headache throbbed thorough my temples and my eyes burned with exhaustion from lack of sleep.

I was ready to put the issues revolving around Amada to bed. We already had enough enemies to fight off as it was.

“We have a problem.” Nix skidded into the room and came to a grinding halt when he saw Silver standing in the corner of the room.

His eyes darted between me and Cyburn. He licked his lips as beads of sweat trickled down his temples and jaw.

He was wearing his armor suit, an ammunition satchel slung across his enormous, boulderlike-shoulders.

“What is it?” Cyburn took an apprehensive step in Nix’s direction.

“Can we talk… privately?” There was an edge to Nix’s voice and his eyes were wide with paranoia.

“Sure.” Cyburn exchanged an uneasy glance with me, and we both stepped out into the hallway.

“Close the door,” Nix whispered as soon as all three of us had exited the maintenance room.

Cyburn’s eyes narrowed. “What’s going on? What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that AI in there,” Nix said.
