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Fel looked and saw a necklace with a purple pendant. “This… the amulet?” He had even forgotten about it. “Can you explain more how it works?”

“You know how it works because you already used it. If not you, then someone you love. Just put it on and remember.”

Remember… No, that didn’t make sense. “I haven’t used it. How am I going to remember anything? Isn’t this supposed to change the past?”

The First Mage shook his head. “Time is a circle. You can’t change what’s already been changed. Eventually you’ll realize or remember when the amulet was used. Then you can hold it and think about that time.”

Fel wished he could change so much, but then, if it had to be something that had already been changed, it would always lead to this moment, when so much was wrong. Unless… “What if I make a mistake? What if I use it for something that I didn’t use before?”

“You could rip the fabric of reality.”

Great. Nothing to be worried about. “You’re joking.”

“No, I’m serious.”

“That’s…” How could he even word the enormity of it? “A lot of pressure to get it right.” He removed the necklace and held it between his metal fingers. “I don’t think I want this responsibility.”

“It’s meant for you.”

“How can something so little destroy the world?”

“I didn’t say destroy. I said rip. It might be catastrophic, and then it might not. Time is a tricky thing. I understand you’re wondering why I gave this to you. Well, I didn’t choose it. You think I’d pick a nitwit to hold that? Of course not.”

Fel still held the necklace and ignored the jab. “I do have a sense of humor, but if it’s a joke, tell me.”

“It’s not a joke.”

“But then… If time… If everything has already happened, then what’s the point? It’s all set, isn’t it?”

“Nothing is set. Summer and winter come and go, and the leaves are never the same. You still have to do your part, or else you will change it.”

“Won’t it rip the fabric of the universe then?”

“Of course. Why do you think we have all these realms?”

Fel sighed. “Fair. So I need to recognize the moment I already used it, and then use it. You’re saying I need to hold it in my hands. Do you realize I have a bit of a problem here?”

“No. You have hands.”

Sighing, Fel put back the necklace. “What’s going to happen to my dragon form? Is it lost?”

“The dragon form will reemerge again, after some time. You should wait.”

“Will I be able to swap forms?”

“Who knows what the future will bring?”

“I thought it was all written.”

“No. Only the past is written, even if it’s the past you changed from the future. There’s a lot of room for variation in what’s coming.”

What was coming. Everything so dreadful. Fel thought about his sister, Leah, his father… “Aluria is in trouble. Cynon is there, and has a vessel.”

“Indeed. And isn’t Aluria the land of the iron dragon? There’s a great plan at work. Things happen when the time is right. An apple doesn’t mature before its time. Things happen for a reason.”

Fel shook his head. “I doubt there’s a reason for suffering, death, pain—”

“The pain is not part of the plan, Isofel. Neither is the suffering.”
