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“I’m here.”

His lips touched hers and then they were kissing. She’d been wanting this kiss for ages, a true kiss, without any burden between them, a kiss like their first, when the dome in Frostlake still stood, when they thought their love would be so easy and simple.

Someone cleared their throat, and Leah turned to look. It was River. “We can all look away and give you privacy. If you want.”

Fel frowned. “We’re just kissing.”

The fae shrugged. “It’s a suggestion. In case we realize we’re stuck here. I mean, if you’re going to die, die in style, with no regrets.”

“Die?” Leah didn’t understand what was happening, then realized they were in some kind of Ironhold prison. It had to be Ironhold, due to the amount of metal. On a corner, where she thought there was a bunch of old leather, it was… She felt sick in her stomach. A dragon, so weak… There was no door, just metal everywhere. Couldn’t Fel… She didn’t even finish her mental question, as she noticed the parts of his metal hands on the floor. His magic wasn’t working. Tzaria and another man, probably a dragon as well, were also in the room, their faces somber.

Fel bit his lip. “This is a prison, Leah. Can you try to leave?”

“If you do, would you mind getting us some help?” River asked. “You’re welcome to stay, of course. The more the merrier. I’m sure Fel is happy to see you.”

“Can you feel your magic?” Fel asked.

She adored his voice, soft and deep, and yet, it wasn’t a question she could answer. “I… don’t know.”

* * *

Naia closedher eyes and took a deep breath. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if air could give her some answers? Just once. She was still shaking with anger, thinking about King Sebastian, still wanting to kill him. What a stupid waste of energy, when she should be focusing on defeating her true enemies. More than anything, she wanted to know if her brother was well, and if something had happened.

Then she heard a voice in the office. A woman’s voice. “Let her go to your son. It’s what she wishes.”

Naia looked and saw her father and the Frostlake Queen. Here. Inside the Royal Fort. Was she hallucinating?

“Dad?” She then recalled his last words to her. “I mean, King Azir?”

He circled the table she was sitting, and then pulled her into a strong embrace. “Naia, I’m so sorry.”

Naia was happy, but also startled. “For what? Where were you?”

He kissed her forehead. “I was lost. And had time to mull over my words. Of course you are my daughter. Will always be. I should never have said you weren’t.”

Tears were pooling in her eyes. “Is this real?”

He broke the hug and held her shoulders. “It is.” He looked around. “I’m glad you’re back home.”

Did she think she had left River and that was why he was being so nice? Would he still accept her if she told him the truth? But this wasn’t the moment to think about any of that. “I… we’re having… quite a few problems.”

Her father nodded. “Why don’t you tell me?”

First, because she didn’t even know how to start. To be fair, he was looking at her the same way he did when she came back from a hunt or found something interesting, all ears for what she had to say. And she had told him he had never listened to her! In things that mattered, perhaps he hadn’t. But had she ever tried to say anything? And then, none of that mattered right now.

“Aluria is in great danger, there’s something dreadful in Ironhold.”

“I know,” he said.

Technically, he didn’t, but it was true that he had hated that family for a while, perhaps sensing their dealings with dangerous magic.

Then Naia heard another voice, saying, “Can you hear me?” Her brother! She gestured to her father to wait, and to the queen as well, who was standing in a corner.

“Fel? Where are you?”

“Naia, can you hear me?” The voice spoke again.

He was communicating like he’d done as a dragon, which probably meant he was close, and yet there was no relief or victory in his tone, only worry, as if he was about to tell her something serious. She tried to send him a thought. “I can hear you. What is it?”

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