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In the recent months, Leah had started to train deathbringing with Azir, but told him that she would never call him father. She couldn’t. He was Fel’s father. He accepted her decision. Still, he was a patient teacher, and slowly she was becoming more aware of her powers, getting to know herself more. A lot of what she had learned with her necromancer father was helping her, and she was excited to learn more and more.

Tzaria and Ekateni were in Aluria, spending time in Frostlake, Umbraar, and even the Fae Kingdom, helping Fel and Naia, who still had a lot to learn. Their cousins had come for Naia’s wedding and were still here, spending some time and also helping Fel train and learn about his powers. Jacine was a dear friend, and Leah was quite happy that they were here. Things were quieter in Fernick. Fewer dragons had been converted to the Boundless, who weren’t as strong anymore. Apparently, killing Cynon had actually done something, even if it hadn’t ended all their conflicts.

Relia was still the Dragon Eye, not that Leah really understood what the position entailed. From what Siniari and Jacine said, it didn’t seem that she had ever been influenced by Cynon. In fact, it was indeed unlikely that the woman had tried to poison Fel. Tzaria had her own reasons to dislike her, though, and hatred could be blinding.

Leah had hoped that maybe Tzaria and Ekateni would become a couple, as they had some history, but it didn’t seem to be the case. At least they got along well enough to cooperate and teach Fel and Naia. And then again, the two of them were in Aluria, so who knew about the future? Perhaps their wounds were just taking longer to heal, or maybe their love story was meant to remain in the past.

Risomu had recently returned to Fernick with Kaneyo, who had healed and was a magnificent brown dragon. He couldn’t take his human form yet, but hopefully someday he would.

There had been no more voices in Leah’s head, just the same old strange dreams. Her silver dragon was often in them, and had been getting stronger and stronger. Her hunch was that Fel would soon be able to swap forms again, but she didn’t want to tell him that in case it didn’t happen, as she didn’t want to see him disappointed. The truth was that he missed his dragon form. She missed it too, but at least she could connect with him in her dreams.

Leah took a deep breath, then felt strong arms around her. Fel. Her heart beat faster, basking in the touch of her fiery dragon.

He kissed her neck. “Something worrying you?”

It was eerie how much he could sense her emotions. “Not worrying.” She turned around and faced him. Was he ready for it? Was it too soon? The words didn’t come easily. “Naia’s wedding was so beautiful.”

“It was wonderful.” He frowned. “But why are you mentioning it?”

True, it had been over two months before. Leah fiddled with one of her curls. “Thinking about ours.”

Fel kissed her cheek, then whispered in her ear. “Soon.”

Leah closed her eyes. “Maybe it could be sooner?”

He stared at her and smiled. “Why don’t you just say what you want to say?”

“I… The dress won’t look good if my belly’s too big.” There. She said it.

“Leah… you’re not gaining weight. And even if you were, you would still be beautiful, and the dress would still look great on you.”

Oh, dear. He hadn’t caught on. She sucked in a breath, then said, “I’m pregnant.” The healers had been sure, and all the signs pointed to it.

His eyes widened in surprise, then he had a happy chuckle and kissed her cheek. “That’s wonderful news.” He caressed her hair with his arm. “Why the worry?”

“I… we didn’t plan it. And we’ll need to advance the wedding.”

Fel hugged her tight, so tight. “That can be done, that’s easy. The important thing is that we’re together. And soon we’ll start a family.”

He was truly happy, and she felt silly for her worry.

Fel then broke the hug and asked, “What magic do you think our child will have?”

“I asked Jacine for how many generations dragons would still be dragons, and it’s a lot, so our child will be a dragon. Now… You’re an Ironhold heir, so it’s possible that we’ll have an ironbringer. Or a deathbringer, since you’re the Umbraar crown prince. Finally, since we’re in Frostlake, there’s a possibility that we’ll have a necromancer. And then again, the dragon magic bends the magical rules, so our child could have more than one kind of magic.”

Fel laughed. “You really thought this through. So it could be a necromancer, deathbringer, ironbringer dragon?”

“It could.”

He got serious. “Another iron dragon.” His cousins made sure nobody knew where Fel lived, as he was still a target.

Leah shrugged. “Nobody needs to know that.”

He kissed her lips softly, then said, “Can’t wait to raise our little dragon.”

They kissed again, a long kiss, a promise of happy days. So much hope, power, and love.

* * *

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