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“It wasn’t necromancy,” Fel said. “Or deathbringing. I was raised in Umbraar, I know what those types of magic smell like.” In truth, he didn’t know how to sense necromancy. All he knew about it was what Leah had told him, but she was a deathbringer, not a necromancer. Leah. Thinking about her brought him so much agony, but he was doing what he could, and indeed had found other dragons, which was a great victory and could perhaps help his kingdom and hers.

“You cansmellmagic?” That same man sounded incredulous.

“Sense it. I don’t know. It was something else. Aluria needs help. Urgently.”

Ekateni nodded. “We’ll try to send someone, but, as you noticed, we have our claws full.” He didn’t sound the least concerned about what he’d heard.

Fel had to insist. “What’s happening there is quite serious, and if you regulate the magic in the world, you should see it.”

“We’ll talk about it,” his uncle replied. “Come.”

Ekateni was about to open the door, but then Relia stopped him. “A couple more questions.”

“He’s family.”

“Family who could have been brainwashed,” the woman replied. “Family who was with the filthy exiles. It won’t take long.”


She turned to Fel. “Just say yes or no, and it will be quick.” There was no anger in her voice. If anything, it was true that she was doing it just as a precaution, and didn’t think Fel was a threat. “Do you have any connection with the boundless?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Are you spying on us?”

That was an absurd question. “I wasn’t even planning on coming here and had no idea this place existed.”

“I need yes or no,” she said. “Are you spying on us?”


“Have you ever heard of Cynon?”


“The Second Dragon Mage?”

Fel recalled some of what he’d heard a few minutes before. “He’s… some evil old dragon, isn’t he? Tzaria told me my father was… doing something against him.”

“That’s Cynon, by the way, the Second Dragon Mage’s name. Are Tzaria and Risomu working with him?”

“She seems to think he’s evil, so I don’t think so. Tzaria was just telling me about him when you came, and then she didn’t even get to finish her story.” Didn’t even get to tell him what had happened to his mother, but he didn’t want to say any of that.

“Areyousupporting Cynon?”

Fel was going to protest that he didn’t even know who he was, but it was easier to answer the way they wanted. “No.”

Relia sighed. “Are you here to gain power?”

“Maybe. I want to turn back to my human form. I want to help my kingdom and my land. I want to understand what it’s like to be a dragon. In a way, all those wishes are related to power.”

Ekateni approached the cage again and smiled. “You’re home, Isofel, and we’ll obviously help you connect with your power.”

“Can you help me become human again?”

He paused and furrowed his eyebrows. “Maybe. But it won’t be soon.” He then smiled. “Come. I’m sure you need some rest.” He turned to Relia. “Is the procedure over?”

“It is, but we need to understand how the exiles found him, and what they want with him.”
