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“I…” Siniari looked away. “I want to help, that’s all. I know my father will never agree with this, but I know what it’s like to want something, but…” He closed his eyes. “Please be careful.”

“You said I could quit.”

“I think so, but I’ve heard some people have died trying to speak to the First Dragon Mage. He’s not evil, but he doesn’t view things in the same way we do, and—”

“He could help me swap into my human form. That’s what matters.”

Siniari nodded and bit his lip. “You need to step into his cave—”

That would be a problem. “I don’t fit.”

“Just put the front claw, just face the opening. State your name and near family line, and ask to speak to the First Dragon Mage.”

Fel was staring at that cave, but he turned to face his cousin, surprised at his words. “Dragon Mage? Like my father?’

“Not quite. The First Mage is thousands of years old.”

Thousands. That was a lot. “How can anyone live that much?”

“He’s a full dragon. Must eat healthy. Lives alone. I don’t know. He will open a circle for you. Nobody really knows where he lives, and he doesn’t take in anyone either. If he does take you, please—”

“Be careful, I know.” Fel had heard it some fifty times.

“I hope you do. If you don’t come back, I think my parents will kill me or maybe send me to a settlement in the far north isles, where it’s almost always cold and dark.”

“Why take the risk, then?”

The young man took a deep breath and stared into Fel’s eyes. “I’m trusting you and trusting that you want to live. Trusting that you want to come back and save the kingdom you call yours, marry the girl you love so much. You have a goal, so don’t lose sight of it. If things turn difficult, come back. It might take long, but you’ll eventually learn to swap back into your human form. Do you understand me?”

“Perfectly.” What Fel understood was that he was about to do something risky and difficult, but he was no fool and would make sure to come back alive. He was not interested in swapping forms to a corpse.

“Go on, then.” Siniari gestured to the cave. “I’ll fly close by, and I’ll keep watch. If you come back and I’m not here, wait. I’ll probably be right back.”

Fel would have nodded if he were human. Well, he did move his head but he wasn’t sure if the effect was the same. He was thankful to his cousin and happy to have found some of his family, but he had to turn human again or else things would be very difficult.

Since Siniari had explained that the First Mage himself would open a fire ring—if he wanted to—there was nothing Fel could do other than stare at the stone wall and state his name. Not only his name, his name in the dragon way, which his cousin had explained to him.

“First Mage, here I stand, humbly asking for an audience. I’m Isofel, son of Ircantari and Ticiane.” It felt strange to state that long-forbidden name of the mother he had never met, not to mention his dragon-famous father, who he had no idea existed until recently. He continued, “Heartson of Azir.” He would have said Azir Umbraar, but dragons didn’t use last names. “Grandson of Ilaya and Kasiel.” Those were strange names that he had just learned.

Fel then added, “And Celia and Stevan.” Those were the names of the previous Ironhold queen and king, which felt strange on his lips as he pretended they had any relation to him, any meaning. He watched and waited, his heart speeding up in anticipation of this mysterious dragon, this great unknown, the possibility of finding his answer, despite whatever danger awaited him. Fel was ready. And yet, all he heard was the wind close by, the ocean down below, and a few birds chirping in the distance.

Then he heard a thud behind him. Fel turned around and saw that Siniari had landed, magnificent with his brilliant green scales. Like usual, he swapped to his human form right away. “What did you say?”

Fel was going to crack a joke, but wasn’t sure if this was the place to do it. “I said what you told me to say, my name, my parents’ names, grandparents’ names, and that I’m requesting an audience.”

His cousin paused, thinking. “Do you understand why you say your family’s name?”

“So he knows who I am?”

Siniari stared at him for a second, then burst into laughter. “Cousin, cousin. Noob dragon indeed you are. You think the First Mage doesn’t know you? He knows every single dragon that walks this earth.”

“Why doesn’t he defeat this Cynon, then?”

Siniari put a finger in front of his lips. “Dangerous words for this place. I told you he sees things differently—and takes no sides.”

“So I could be a Boundless here, asking to become deadlier, and he would grant me an audience?”

“That is the question, isn’t it? I’m not sure. Now, you’re here foryouraudience. You don’t state your ancestors just to list them. There’s no point. It’s about praising your past first, then looking into the future.”
