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With his heart hammering in his chest, Fel flew to the same clearing where he had first spoken to the old dragon. Indeed the creature was there, waiting, looking even more gigantic than before, now that Fel was a dragon and still three times smaller than him.

Fel waited to see if the First Mage was going to say anything, maybe admonish him, but, hearing only silence, decided to send a thought.

“I beseech you to give me another challenge to grant me my human form.” The sentence felt oddly formal and unfitting, but then, what was one supposed to say in a situation like that?

The dragon laughed, and this time it truly sounded like a laugh, unlike before, when it had sounded like a roar. “You think you get two chances? Or as many chances as you wish?”

“I’m asking for an exception. The egg you asked me to bring, it had a living nestling in it, a bird about to come to life. I could feel its energy.”

“You felt its magic. Are magical creatures any worthier than non-magical ones?”

Fel paused. “No. Maybe I wouldn’t have felt it. Maybe I would. I… it’s an innocent baby bird. I could only assume taking it was not what you intended.”

The Great Dragon leaned over, so that his face was close to Fel. It was a lot less intimidating than before, but still ominous.“Why is that? You think I’m merciful?”

The fire within Fel was stirring in his chest. “I thought it was a mistake, that you didn’t know.”

Another laugh. “Child, it was no mistake. I knew exactly what was in that egg.”

A sudden chill ran through Fel’s warm body. “Why do you want it?”

This time the old dragon’s laughter definitely rumbled the earth. “You think I want it? Do you even think, child?”

“You asked me to bring it to you.”

“And that was the challenge.”

“I… I’m not going to get that egg, First Mage.”

“Obviously not. You think Saka, the great bird, would have let you? You didn’t see her at first, did you? She can turn invisible and wait for her prey. Oh, and she likes human meat.”

This wasn’t making sense. “You wanted me… to become bird food?”

“Hmmm. Interesting theory. I’ll give you ten seconds to figure out what the challenge was or I won’t help you.”

But how would the First Dragon agree to help Fel if he had failed… Unless… Fel stared at him. “You tricked me. You didn’t actually want the egg.”

The huge dragon emitted a low rumble. “Oh. Finally. It took you long enough.”

“And yet I almost died.”

“Don’t be dramatic. Saka was just, you know, giving you a push. Had she wanted you dead you wouldn’t be here talking to me. And trust me, had you tried to get close to that egg, you wouldn’t have stood a chance.”

Fel was so angry he feared he’d unleash a burst of fire and make things worse. “So that was the challenge?Notdoing what you asked me to do?” He had to control his thoughts too, so as not to sound so angry, but it was much harder than controlling his voice. “What if I just wanted to touch the egg to make sure there was something there? Would I be dead?”

“No, no. Saka can sense intentions, like all mystical animals. Worst-case scenario, I would have swapped your form in time.”

True. A dragon could survive a deadly blow if they swapped forms, which was a good reason to learn how to do that as soon as possible. Still, Fel could hardly believe that the challenge had been a trick. But then, instead of upset, he should feel relieved; he had passed his test.

“I see. So you’ll give me my human body back?”

“Is that what you want?” For some reason the dragon’s voice sounded quieter now.

“Isn’t that why I spent hours walking around that cliff? Why I came here?”

“Oh, boy, let’s not pretend you didn’t take the easy way. Regardless. You passed, yes indeed. But you know something? I could give you what you want, but it would be the wrong decision. If I swap you to your human form, you’ll never again be a dragon.”

Was he… going to refuse Fel’s request? “I turned once,” he protested.
