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His cousin continued, “Of course, we don’t want to believe in a savior, you know? But we always thought one of us could be the one, we’ve always thought thatiron dragonwasn’t meant to be taken literally, that it meant a strong dragon. It was something we could all aspire to be. But now, seeing you, seeing what you’ve done, there’s no doubt it’s you. Dragon visions don’t tend to be metaphorical.”

Fel felt uneasy. How could he help the dragons when he knew so little about himself? “I barely know any dragon magic.”

“You have iron magic. Why worry about dragon magic?”

“I’d like to swap bodies, for one.”

Siniari glanced at Leah. “I can see why.” He looked at Fel. “I guess it didn’t work.”

“It didn’t,” Fel said. “Even though I passed the challenge, he wouldn’t give it to me.” He turned to Leah. “Can you hear me?”

“I can.” She caressed his neck, which made him feel better. It was obvious that she understood he hadn’t managed to learn to swap into his human form, but she didn’t seem worried or upset.

Siniari sighed. “I just hope you won’t get in trouble. You can’t bring visitors here, and dragons aren’t allowed to let humans ride them.”

The fire in his chest threatened to leave it. “She rides me when and as much as she wants.”

“Hey, calm down,” his cousin said. “I don’t agree with this rule. I’m just saying what the high council might say. But then, you being the Iron Dragon and all, I don’t think they’ll mind.”

Leah turned to Siniari. “I felt he was in danger and couldn’t stop myself from coming. I’m really sorry it was during a fight. But I’m notridingFel; he’s not a horse. I’m just lying on his back while he flies wherever he wants. If I had wings, I’d flywithhim.”

She had a point.

“I meant no offense,” his cousin said. “And again, I don’t think the council is going to care.” He smiled. “If you could, I’d bring you to see Sonia and Raf, but they’re in the infirmary for humans. It’s small…”

“They’re your friends?” Fel asked, wondering who all the dragons were in the fight. “Who else was there?”

“Two other friends of mine, a guard who was with my dad,” then his expression soured, “and the exiles. They fought with us, but… I don’t know. I still think they alerted the Boundless, brought them there. No idea why they insisted on keeping that ruse.”

“Tzaria protected me.”

“Or pretended to do that.”

Could that be? “Well, she wanted me to run away from the fight when I first got out of the cave. I… don’t know if she wanted to protect me or what. Nobody got hurt from our side?”

“Our side. I like that. Yes, Sonia and Raf, but they’re fine now. I mean, as fine as they can be. Are you and, uh, Le… are you two all right?”

“You can call me Leah,” she said. “I didn’t even get a scratch. Fel?”

“Some fire hit me, made my wings slow. I don’t know if they’re back to normal yet, but I don’t think I’m wounded.”

His cousin laughed. “Of course not. You came out of that cave, and then boom, killed all their dragon forms at once. It was incredible.”

Laughing in dragon form felt strange, as if he would accidentally blast some fire, but Fel couldn’t help it, hearing his cousin’s exaggerated account. “I’m sure that was not how it went.”

“Pretty close. It was amazing. I can see you turning the tide for us.”

Fel didn’t feel half as hopeful, but said, “Let’s hope so.”

His uncle then landed beside them, and soon swapped into his human form. “I’m sure you’ll need to rest. You can come to my house, but she’ll have to stay in one of the ground dwellings.”

“I’m not leaving her.” Fel trusted the dragons, but he didn’t want to leave Leah alone in a place she didn’t know.

His cousin then said, “They could come to my house. There’s room for dragons and humans, and they would be safe.”

Ekateni watched them. “I… I’m not sure your mother will like that.”

“Of course she won’t mind.” Siniari chuckled. “She said she wished he’d stay with us. And Leah can stay with my sister. They’ll both be as safe as they can be, and together.”
