Page 35 of Crown of Ashes

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His grip is unyielding, trapping me to him until the damn breaks. The fight leaves my body and I lean in, giving in to the riptide that’s ready to drag me under. Tears pour from my eyes as he holds me, smoothing my hair with his hands.

“I love you so much…” he whispers, breaking my heart and piecing it together at the same time.

“We can’t do this right now,” my voice shakes as I jerk my head from side to side. “I’ll lose control, and I can’t lose control. It could–” the words are nearly unintelligible as I mumble them against his chest. I’m not ready to tell him of my vision. I’m not ready to tellanyone.

“I can help you if you’ll let me,” he says, pulling away and tipping my chin. “You can go back to hating me in the morning.” My lips quiver as I nod. “Give me your hands.” Letting go, I take a step back, holding my palms out to him, and ultimately putting myself at his mercy once more. “Look at me, Alice.” I suck in a sharp breath but do as he says. “Give it to me. I’ll take whatever power you can’t handle. Fuck, I’ll carry it all if you need me to, but you have to tell me when something is wrong. I can’t help you if you pretend to be fine.”

“How,” I say, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“Channel me, then let me take it,” he says, reaching to swoop a curl off my face and tuck it behind my ear.

My eyes close as I steady my pounding heart, focusing on his energy and the way his matter tangles with mine. He takes my hands in his, then like a ribbon pulling tight, it links us together. I feel him tug on my soul, leaching the power from it until the weight on my chest lifts. Not even the bloodstone has been able to free me like this. My eyes flick open, spotting his locked jaw as he grinds his teeth. Sweat beads on his brow, and he breaks the connection, taking a step back. Sucking in air, his chest heaves, and his hands form into fists, clenching until the knuckles turn white.

I search his features, watching as any semblance of him being overloaded slips away. It’s as if holding that much is his usual due diligence. Slowly, amber eyes lift to meet mine, and a worried smile tips his lips. “Better?”

“Yes.” My stare falls on his sensual lips and before I can talk myself out of it, I crush his mouth to mine. Kai is the very center of everything I love and hate, a darkness that threatens to consume me and level me to ruin, but he’s also the reason I’ll rise from the ashes.

His lips mold to mine as he steps forward, trapping me against the hay bales, greedily deepening the kiss until my head swims and I feel weightless. My hands roam, inspecting every inch of lethal muscle that pushes against the thin fabric of his shirt. Indulging in sin of the purest form. Kai leans down to dig strong fingers into my thighs and hoists me up so I can tangle my legs around his middle. His lips move from mine, sliding over my jaw before kissing my throat.

“I need you,” I say, my voice sounding as if it belongs to someone calm, stable, and sultry as fuck. I’ve never identified with any of those things, but I’m here for it. Grabbing his face and dragging it back to mine, I whisper, “Please,” before kissing him long and deep.

His mouth curves into a satisfied grin as he claims me, mind, body, and soul, nipping his teeth across my bottom lip.“Fuck…”he groans, letting go and watching it snap back into place with vibrant amber eyes.“I like it when you beg.” As if flipping a switch, he wraps an arm around my waist, bending to set me down on the hay.

“Here? Shouldn’t we leave the box?” I ask, meeting his gaze and watching the man and demon fight for control. The veins around his eyes pulse as he sits back, resting his hands on top of my knees. “Luri is resting.”

“Oh trust me, she’s out. I gave her a sedative, just in case. I didn’t feel like losing a hand while I sewed her up.”

Turning, and lengthening my spine to peer around the edge of the hay bale wall, I spot a sleeping giant, stretched out and motionless in the hay. She looks sort ofpeaceful. I’m sure she’ll be pissed as fuck in the morning, but at least she’ll have some rest.

Rough hands slip beneath my sweater, drawing my attention back to a now shirtless masterpiece of a man. He slides the fabric up the smooth skin of my stomach until his fingers curl around my breasts. Kai molds me in his palms before pinching the hardened buds he’s created and rolling them until I arch off the ground. I bite my lip to smother a moan, catching the way his tongue swipes across the tips of his teeth like he’s ready to own every inch of my wanton body.

“Is it wrong to have been turned on watching you take out a whole room of guards?”

“I’m not sure I’m the best person to ask,” I say, sounding breathless.

He breathes out, making a deep rumbling sound as he does. “Fuck it. If it does, then call me a madman.” My core clenches at his vulgar words. This is his game, shoving dirty thoughts into my head, and it never fails. He licks his lips, bending to kiss my lips, and thread one of his large hands into my hair, cradling the back of my neck.

Kai clamps his heated mouth over one of my hardened nipples, lashing his tongue against it until my body tenses so tightly, I fear it will snap. He lets it go with apopbefore chuckling darkly and repeating his blissful torture on the other side.

His hands make quick work of removing my leggings and panties, sitting back to toss them to the side. It’s then I notice the new scar along his torso. Where the fuck did that come from? The newly healed line puckers where his flesh has knit back together. The skin a pale pinkish color. I open my mouth to ask, only to snap it back shut when I catch the scorching gaze he has fixated on my pussy. It’s as if it’s the sexiest thing he’s ever feasted his eyes on.

Mmmm…Yup. It can wait.

“Always so sloppy wet for me…” His tone is graveled as he slips a long finger through my folds. I can feel part of me slip away as something carnal rises to replace it. Something with zero fucks to give. Something ready for him to have his way. Kai twists his finger inside of me and forces a moan from my lips.

“More,” I plead as he glances up. A smile that’s all teeth meets my gaze as he places a peck on my stomach.

“We’ll get there. Don’t rush me. I’m enjoying this.”

I groan low in my chest and he withdraws his finger and replaces it with two, pushing as deep as he can.Who knew a prince on a power trip could be so fucking hot?I’m already so close to tumbling over the edge of oblivion, and with the way my pussy clenches around him, there’s no doubt he knows, too.

Kai curls his fingertips within me, pressing on the place that drives a spark of desire through every fiber of my being. Then he brings them up, holding them in the space between my face and his while spreading his fingers wide, admiring the way they glisten.

“Maybe I should piss you off more often,” he teases.

“That sounds like a good way to die.”

He stills for a moment, bewildered eyes locked on mine, then laughs.Fucking laughswhile adjusting his body between my legs. I’ve heard him chuckle and joke, but I’ve never heard a sound so pure come out of this man. “I suppose it is.” He bends to nip the inside of my thigh. “You’re so damn perfect. It’s almost too good to be true.”
