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Tempest gestured to her dress. “You aren’t afraid I will stain your uniform?”

He chuckled. “If this gets ruined, I’m sure I can find another.”

With a quick smile back toward her new friend, Tempest took Aiden’s hand. The two of them made their way to the center of the room, and the musicians began a new tune. With his hand on her back and their opposite ones adjoined, they began to sway and step to the rhythm.

“I need to know. How did you do that?”

“Do what, Emperor Aiden?”

“Your dress. It’s dripping blood.”

“Really? Are you sure?”

Aiden spun her out and paused before spinning her back in.

“Okay, I really need to know how you did that.”

“Did what?”

“How is your dress white again? And completely dry!”

Tempest allowed a coy smile to spread across her face. “A lady can never reveal her secrets.”

“A lady?”

“Am I not?”

He regarded her for a moment. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I really don’t know anything about you.”

More couples joined the dance, and soon a crowd was gathered around them.

“I am at your disposal for approximately two more minutes and thirty-seven seconds,” Tempest said. “What would you like to know?”

“Tell me about your family.”

“I don’t know them. I’ve been alone for as long as I can remember.”

“You’re an orphan? Were you homeless?”

“I didn’t say that. I just don’t know who my family is.”

“You’re not giving me much here, you know. Maybe we can try something simple. What’s your favorite food?”

“That’s easy. Dandelion shortbread cookies.”

Aiden’s nose scrunched. “The weed? Isn’t it incredibly sticky and bitter? I swear, you touch it, and your hands smell of it for hours. How could you possibly enjoy those?”

“Revealing one of your flaws, are you? Unable to see how there could be anything positive about something that seems so bitter? If you only use the yellow center, it’s sweet and almost tastes like honey. You should try them sometime.”

“I’m sure our cooks would appreciate the request for what I am assuming is a commoner recipe.”

“It doesn’t matter how much something costs or how rare it is. If it’s tasty, I’m not turning my nose up at it.”

“Point taken. I will make sure to keep that in mind.”

Aiden’s hand shifted on her back as he dipped her at the conclusion of the song. Through the connection that Fate had given them, Tempest could feel joy in his heart. For a moment, she almost wished she could actually be one of the women competing to share his throne. She knew the heartbreak that would be waiting for her at the other end of his short lifespan, though, and highly doubted the other gods would let her go so easily now that they had found her. No, she needed to complete her mission and escape as quickly as she could.

Chapter 10
