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Tempest’s stomach turned. This was an addition after she had left, and a brilliant reminder of why she had abandoned the land of the gods to begin with. While Amias had stayed on good terms with her most of the time, they had never been lovers, nor had she ever been subservient to him, as this projected.

Someone approached Tempest, and to her surprise, Zarya, goddess of the sea, stood there, arms crossed over her curvy body. The blue of her eyes glowed slightly as it twisted, revealing the storm within.

“Look who decided to quit playing mortal.”

Tempest turned to face the goddess, putting herself between Zarya and Aiden as she did so.

“No playing. I just needed a change of pace.”

Zarya’s eyes darted between Tempest and Aiden with a knowing look. “It appears you found one. For having been gone so long, you’ve put on quite the show. How did you like Aloysius’s present?”

“What present?”

“The dragon. How did you not know it was him? He has a whole valley full of them that he’s raised since they were eggs.”

That was news to Tempest. It did explain why only she had run into the dragon.

“It certainly made an impression.”

Tempest studied Zarya. What did she want? She was always a fairly neutral god, never that close to anyone. Instead, she chose her lovers from the beings who lived in her domain outside the main grouping of the gods’ homes. No one knew how many children the woman really had, only that she claimed just the most powerful ones.

“I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you never came to these parties,” Tempest said.

“I’m here for you, actually.”

Aiden cleared his throat, and Zarya’s eyes darted to him before turning back to Tempest. A knot formed in Tempest’s stomach.

“I hear you’re looking for your friend,” Zarya continued.

“What makes you think that?” How did she know?

“You’re not the only one with connections, my dear.” The goddess’s tone changed. “They had to break her, you know. To take her. They wore her down, and you weren’t here to fix her, so she became weak.”

She had to be talking about Kirata.

“At first, it was only small things. She let them roll off her back. You know how confident she’s always been; both a gift and a curse, really. When they started to crack her shell though, she had no one to turn to. Everyone was too afraid of what would happen to them. You have to fix this as only you can.”

“I don’t know how yet.”

“There’s always a way. The earth and sea speak to me without words. I know how to read them. They showed me how to find her. You just need to listen.”

“That makes no sense.”

“My friend, is that really any of my concern?” Zarya replied with a soft laugh. “Fix yourself and stop running.”

Tempest could tell the matter was closed. She wasn’t going to get a clearer answer from her.

Zarya started to walk away. Tempest grabbed her wrist. “Thank you.”

Zarya smiled as Tempest released her. It was a genuine one, and gave Tempest hope.

A voice rang out. “Tempest!”

It was Amias. Tempest reluctantly made her way to where he stood near a group of cushions, stopping a few feet in front of him. She eyed the group of sprites and nymphs sprawled across the cushions, who were giggling as if drunk.

“Hello, Amias,” she replied.

Shaggy brown hair partially covering his eyes, the God of Love lazily waved at her. “You are looking well. Long time, no see. What brings you here?”
