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“I’m going to make it up to you,” I promised. “Starting right now.”

He straightened, that crooked Walker smile growing as his brow quirked playfully. “I’m listening.”

“I don’t need you to listen. Just feel.” I slid my hand around his neck and pulled him close. All those words I loved didn’t matter when the reality of the dream was here in my arms. And he was waiting for me to show him.

I kissed the little cleft of his chin, then the sweet corner of his mouth that turned up in a bashful grin. I kissed that strong jaw and scruffy cheek, the chilled tip of his nose, and the thoughtful furrows of his brow. I threaded my fingers into his damp, wavy hair and gloried in the smell of fresh rain on his clothes and his skin, and all the while, I found new places I’d never kissed before.

And still, he waited, just letting me discover him at long last. His eyes were closed, his breath ragged, and some unspoken pain lined the corners of his eyes. I held his face and tried to soothe that ache away with my lips, and a warm tear slipped between my fingers.

He sucked in a breath, his eyes still closed. “Oh, Jess,” he whispered. “Is this real?”

“I hope so.” I pressed my face into the cleft of his neck, letting his arms fold around me and his body warm mine. “I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anyone else.”

His breath tickled the hair at my temples as he rested his cheek on my forehead. “What’s that?”

“I love you. You, and only you, and I want to spend the rest of my days right here.”

He drew back slightly, those bright blue eyes wide. “You’ve never…”

“Never loved before you? Not even close. I’ve never said those words to any man. Well…” I grinned. “Except for my dad.”

Dusty’s mouth twitched, first in awe and disbelief, then a slow smile blossomed. “I guess second place isn’t so bad.”

“I wouldn’t call that second. You’re the first in my heart, forever. I’m just sorry I wasted so much time figuring it out.”

He kissed my hair. “We have all the time in the world, love. A minute, an hour, a year—I’d rather spend one with you than a lifetime anywhere else.”

“But why?”

He lifted his head, his gaze puzzled as those clear eyes wandered over my face. “Why what?”

“Why would you love me? I’ve been so awful, so ignorant.”

Dusty’s smile warmed, and he tucked a wisp of hair behind my ear. “You were never awful. I can’t blame you for not seeing what I never had the courage to show you. But I fell in love with your heart years ago. You kept yourself above all the petty things, and you lived on your own terms. You were always kind, always gentle, and I felt like you were someone I could trust in—be at peace with. You were kind of like my own personal angel.”

I couldn’t help a little laugh. “It used to annoy me when Austen called me that. But I think I could hear it from you every day and never grow tired of it.”

“Good, because that’s what I was going to ask for. Every day. Marry me, my love, my angel?”

I didn’t answer with words. Words were beautiful; they fed my soul and led my heart to its perfect home, but they weren’t enough now. I cupped his face and kissed him, tugging his lower lip and giving him everything I had until he opened his whole self to me. I was going to marry my cowboy, my friend, the one in whom my heart trusted.

Dusty pulled back, his face alight with joy. He was laughing.


“I was just thinking how Marshall is never going to let me live this down.”

I wove my fingers through his and rested my head on his shoulder. “And why is that?”

“Because I gave him the hardest time for rushing to the altar after only dating Kelli for two months. I think two minutes is slightly more shocking.”

I giggled and pulled his hand to my heart. “It’s more than long enough for me. I’ve been waiting all my life for you.”

Chapter 27


Myphonewouldn’tstopbuzzing, but I never even pulled it out of my pocket. In fact, I was thinking seriously about getting rid of it. The only thing preventing me from getting up and chucking it in the can was the woman who’d spent the wee hours before dawn with her head pillowed on my chest, keeping watch with me over a newborn calf and his reluctant mother.
