Page 113 of The Roommate Route

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“Does anyone know what room Ethan James is in?”

“Fourth floor,” a guy says.

I nod, already aware of that. “What room?”

“Four-oh-nine,” someone replies.

I nod and turn to the elevator. Once inside, I stab the button for the fourth floor.

“Ethan did it?” Katie hisses. “Does Hannah know? What happened?”

I shake my head. I can’t answer her right now because that would involve calming down and engaging in a conversation, and I want to hold onto this anger and let it hit the right target. The doors open to the fourth floor, and we head down the hall, stopping at door four-oh-nine where I pound on the surface with my fist.

A shirtless, bleary-eyed guy who is most definitely not Ethan answers the door.

“Where’s Ethan?” I demand.

“The fuck?” the guy asks.

“Ethan James. Which room is his?” Katie demands.

The guy shakes his head and starts to shut the door, prompting me to stick my foot out, my bare toes pushing against the surface. “We found his wallet and want to return it.”

He looks at me with one raised brow. He knows I’m full of shit. “Four-thirty-seven, I think.”

Katie and I turn, prepared to wake up the entire damn hall if necessary. She reaches the door first, knocking while I realize I should have come up with a better plan—and shoes—Katie was right about the shoes.

When the door doesn’t open, Katie knocks again. “Open up!”

A door beside us swings open and Colin appears. “Oh hey,” he says.

“Where’s Ethan?” I ask.

“Probably at the facility,” he says.

“For fuck’s sake,” I say, shaking my head.

A couple more doors open, and guys from the team step out of their rooms in dress clothes, others in sweats—all of them looking at us as we march back to the elevator.

“Sorry, but no,” I say when one of them tries to get into the elevator with us.

He furrows his brow. “This is—”

“Out,” Katie orders, pointing to the hallway.

One of his teammates snickers, but the guy obliges, muttering curses about us being crazy. He might be right; I feel a little crazy right now.

“What are we going to do?” Katie asks.

“Find him.”

Surprisingly, Katie doesn’t object.

When we hit the lobby, the guy who gave me the wrong room number snickers. I flip him off, grateful because his reaction to call me a derogatory name to impress his friends only lights that match in me again. I know he’s a soccer player, I’m pretty sure I even saw him last night at the party. But he’s not who my fight is with. Not now, at least.

“Where exactly are we going?” Katie asks as I push the doors to the facility open.

“You might want to keep your eyes on the ground,” I warn her as I push the door that leads into the athlete section. “They walk around naked.”
