Page 120 of The Roommate Route

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I grin, slipping my hand around her lower back and pulling her closer, our hips touching. “He wasn’t the right one for you.”

I’m fucking praying that guy is me.



“You look awfully happy,” Katie says as she closes the fridge.

“I passed my speech! On the third try.”

Katie raises her hand for a high-five.

“I only said um twice. And no awkward pauses.”

She chuckles, raising her hand for a second high-five.

It’s more than just the fact I passed my speech, though. This past week has been nothing short of perfect. Nolan and I are together—officially. There’s no more sneaking in and out of the basement or questioning if our relationship was purely out of convenience. Even better, Katie knows the truth and is still talking to us.

“Have you seen Hannah?” I ask. The only downer is that Hannah’s struggling from her breakup with Ethan who has been kicked off the team and out of Camden for the edibles. Hannah spent the first two days in her room crying, and missing classes. She’s now attending classes but spends most of her time at home, up in her room.

Katie shakes her head. “She was still asleep when I got home.”

I frown. “Do you think having everyone over for Friends-giving brunch is a bad idea?”

Katie lifts her shoulders. “I don’t know if she misses him, or if it’s the feeling of betrayal that’s got her in such a bummed mood.”

“Maybe we should get her to go out and leave the house?”

“I don’t want to go out,” Hannah says, making us jump from surprise and guilt.

“It might make you feel better,” I say. “We could go get lunch or see a movie or go get a pedicure. What about going to the bookstore? Or to get coffee?”

“I’m okay,” Hannah lies, pushing her glasses up. “Or I will be. This is how it’s supposed to be. We weren’t supposed to fall for each other, anyway. He just made it a lot easier to hate him.”

“You weren’t supposed to fall for each other?” Katie asks.

Selfishly, I’m a little relieved to hear that Katie didn’t know about Hannah’s grand plan, either. While Hannah explains the blueprint of her twenties, I stir sugar and eggs into a saucepan.

“What if you meet someone you like before you’re twenty-five?” Katie asks.

Hannah shakes her head. “After being drugged by my ex, I’m not sure I’m ready to date until I’m twenty-five.”

My heart aches for her. I hate that he wounded her trust nearly as much as I hate the method by which he did it.

“Ethan was a pig,” Katie says. “You don’t need him or anyone else. You have us.”

I grin. Even Hannah smiles.

“You’re making another chocolate crème pie?” Hannah asks as I start chipping the semi-sweet chocolate.

“Katie said the last one was too sweet,” I say.

“I can’t believe your grandma won’t share the recipe,” Hannah says with a smirk.

Katie shakes her head. “My dad’s been begging her for the recipe for her pea salad for the past thirty years. She’s unbreakable.”

“Where do the pies keep going?” Hannah asks, opening the fridge. “I was looking to eat one for breakfast, but they were all gone.”
