Page 138 of The Roommate Route

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“I fucked up, okay?”

“You’re damn right you did.”

His scolding doesn’t end until we pull up to the house. Hadley’s car is gone, but Katie’s is in the driveway.

“I’d wish you luck, but you deserve whatever wrath she delivers.”

“Are you going to be moody all day?”

“All fucking month,” he promises. “I had no idea what to do. I lied to the coaches for you. I swore to Hadley and Katie that I’d find you and I had no idea where you were or if you were even okay.”

I want to tell him, I’m not okay, that my future is bleak at the moment, instead, I apologize again and get out of his Jeep, my muscles fatigued and aching from dehydration and lack of movement. “Thanks for driving me home.”

“I’ll wait if you want to shower and get something to eat and drink. I can take you back and get your truck.” He’s a better friend than I deserve.

“You want to come in?”

Hudson shakes his head and pulls out his phone. “Nope.”

I eye the house, knowing the longer I avoid this conversation with Katie, the worse it’s going to be.

Katie looks up from where she’s sitting on the couch, phone balanced in her hands. She gets to her feet in a second.

I’m caught off guard by the tears in her eyes. “What happened? What’s wrong?” I ask.

Katie walks over to me, shaking her head as tears streak down her cheeks.

“What happened?” I ask again.

She hits me, square in the jaw. It’s an impressive hit that rings my bell and makes my already aching head hurt even worse. “Where have you been, you asshole?” She shoves me, but I’m prepared for it and lean forward.

She pushes me again. “I thought you were dead, you big stupid, thoughtless, jerk.” She shrieks and pushes me again. “You’re out, Nolan. You’re not living here anymore.”

“I’m sorry, Katie. I wasn’t trying to scare you. I messed up.”

“No. You just reminded me how impulsive and selfish you are.”


“No. I want you to move out. You weren’t supposed to be living here past October, anyway. Get your stuff, and leave.”

“Can we just talk about this?”

She shakes her head. “I’m done talking. I’m done listening. And I’m done giving you chances.”

“Can I just wait here and talk to Hadley?”

She shakes her head. “If you bothered to charge your phone, you’d know she doesn’t want to see you right now.”

“Katie, I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t trying to hurt or worry anyone, I was just—”

“I don’t care. I’m so mad at you right now, I literally can’t care. I was about to call Mom and Dad and tell them you might be hurt or maybe kidnapped. Hadley was sick with a migraine most of yesterday because she stayed up all night waiting for you.” Her words are like a million paper cuts crossing every inch of my body.

“Is she okay?”

“She wants you to move out.”

“She does or you do?”
