Page 14 of The Roommate Route

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“An older and younger sister, actually,” I say.

“You have three sisters?” Lanie asks, eyes growing wide as she turns to look at Hadley. “Have I told you how glad I am that Mom and Dad had a second daughter? I can’t imagine having to live with two Geoffs.”

“I heard that,” a guy out of the frame says.

“You were supposed to,” Lanie sings.

Hadley chuckles.

“Nolan, are you the oldest?” Lanie asks.

“Second oldest.”

“Oh. You’re a middle child like me.”

“Four’s an even number,” Hadley says.

“Sure. But they have two middle children. Like a sandwich.” Lanie presses her hands together, and I realize both of them use their hands a lot when talking.

Hadley glances at me in the reflection of her screen.

“I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to call and thank you for the gift,” Lanie says. “Christian nearly died of embarrassment opening those books. I wish I had recorded it because he was as red as a fire engine. It was priceless. Seriously, I don’t know where you found some of them, but they aregraphic,and though the stuff for me is steeped in your twisted humor, it was really sweet.”

Hadley rolls her lips as she fights back a laugh.

I suddenly realize how far outside of the boundaries I’ve stepped by not only caring who Hadley was speaking to but getting close enough that I could see. “I’ll let you two catch up. Nice meeting you.” I wave and take a step back to grab more things from my truck.

“No. No. I really do have to go,” Lanie says. “Oh, but first, I have a new show for you to watch.Only Murders in the Building. You have to watch it. I need to dissect it with you.”

I’m almost to the door when Hadley chuckles, the sound stopping me in my tracks.

“The last time I watched a show to discuss it with you, you stopped watching the show,” Hadley says.

“This is different. Christian and I are already on episode six. I need you to put down whatever book you’re reading and binge-watch it.”

“Text me so I remember the title,” Hadley tells her.

Lanie nods. “Already on it. Okay. I have to go. Tell Nolan it was nice meeting him. He’s hot, by the way. Like Chris Hemsworth-level hot. Are he and Katie close? Would that be weird?”

Hadley closes her eyes.

“Is he still there?” Lanie sounds like she’s cringing.

Hadley nods. “In the same room.”

I pull the front door open and look back long enough to flash a cocky grin.

“He knows he’s cute. It’s not newsworthy.” Lanie’s tone changes to dismissive just before I close the door behind me.

Hudson pulls up then in his Jeep. Palmer, Mila, Evelyn, and Hudson slide out.

“Corey and Grey are behind us with the furniture,” Hudson says.

Evelyn’s aunt gave me a king-size bed, nightstand, TV stand, and more, refusing to accept payment for any of it. I have no idea what kind of condition it’s in, but at this point, I’d be thrilled with a damn futon.

“This is it, huh?” Hudson asks, looking at the blue house.

“It’s nice,” Evelyn says, taking in the same view. “I love the stones on the front.”
