Page 148 of The Roommate Route

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“Is your family the groveling type?” I ask.

“My dad’s a firefighter. He misses most things.” She points at the flowers and breakfast on the table. “Nolan?”

I nod. “And you asked me to lunch and haven’t stayed at Carsen’s since you guys returned from Indiana…”

Carsen chuckles as he nudges his glasses a little higher. I didn’t know Carsen wore glasses. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in his pajamas. They’re blue plaid flannel pants with a white undershirt. The only thing I’ve seen Nolan sleep in is sweatpants or completely naked.

Heat gathers in my stomach and I work to distract myself by fixing a cup of coffee. “You guys are fine to stay at Carsen’s. I promise.” I don’t try to say that I’m fine or even okay—I’m not, but I will be.

I take my coffee to the table, grabbing a fork as I go. It feels like forever and just yesterday that I sat down and had breakfast for the first time with Nolan.

“Do you guys want some breakfast?” I ask, motioning to the table.

Carsen sits down before the question is out of my mouth.

Katie and I split the pancakes and biscuits and gravy, Carsen devours the breakfast sandwich, commenting at least a dozen times that it was the best one he’s ever had. I want to text Nolan and laugh about it with him.

While Katie and Carsen discuss their plans for the remainder of the week, I pull out my phone to thank Nolan again.

Me: While I appreciate breakfast, you don’t have to keep sending things.

Nolan: How did your speech go on Monday?

Me: I have to give it again today.

Nolan: Well, then you need to fuel up. Today might be the last speech you have to give for that class.

Me: One can only hope.

While Katie and Carsen finish eating, I ask them to listen to me rehearse my speech, a special occasion piece I wrote for my future niece or nephew, twice.

“You’re going to nail it,” Katie tells me.

Carsen nods, eating the last bite of her pancakes. “It was great. Your pacing is perfect.”

“It won’t be once I’m in front of the class,” I tell them.

“Just imagine it’s us,” Katie says.

“Thanks for listening to me. I really appreciate it.”

“We definitely got the better end of the exchange,” Carsen says, helping me clear the breakfast mess.

“Thank Nolan when you see him,” I tell him. “I’ll see you guys later, and by later, I mean tomorrow. You don’t have to babysit me.” I pull on my jacket and grab my bag.

“Our house is more festive,” Katie says.

“I want you guys here if you want to be here, just don’t stay because you feel like you have to.”

Katie nods.

“Also, I bought the e-copy of the book we’re reading for book club and sent it to you and Hannah last night. It’s in your email.” I pull the front door open. “If you stay tonight, expect a pop quiz.”

She makes a face.

Carsen chuckles.

“Good luck with your speech,” Hannah says from the top of the stairs, still in her pajamas.
