Page 34 of The Roommate Route

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She glances at me too fast, revealing there’s a story, but just as quickly she looks away, stabbing at her pancakes again. “Why didyoucome to Camden?”

“Their football program.”

She nods. “Have you always played?”

“Since I was seven. Why did you come?”

“To try something new. Both Lanie and Geoff went out of state for college.”

“And you just rolled the dice?”

“I threw a dart.”

I chuckle, unwrapping more of my sandwich. “How did you and Katie meet?”

“A class.”

“And Hannah?”

Hadley’s eyes flick to me. She says nothing, but her gaze becomes distant, detached. I’m immediately curious as to what I said or did that caused the reaction. “Same class.” She turns her attention to the table and pulls the container of biscuits and gravy to her before opening the lid. She leans in and takes a deep breath of the savory scent of sausage and the sweetness of the honey biscuits. “This smells so good.” She slides her fork into her mouth, licking the tines clean.

God, watching her could be a sport.

She moans again. “Those pancakes were amazing, but this is ridiculous. It’s so good. The balance of salt, sweet, and savory is perfect.” She takes another bite.

“Okay, let’s make a couple of rules for our prank war.”

“I thought you hated rules?”

“I do, but after last night, I realized a few would probably be a good idea.”

“Rule one, no more weapons. That axe was real. If he had tripped, I’d probably still be pulling glass from my face.”

I wince as I nod.

“And, no adding stuff to the food to make a person sick—that includes laxatives.”

“Deal,” I say instantly. Anticipation races through me, and it’s not for tonight’s game. “Anything else?”

“How about we put it in the parking lot and add it if necessary.” I’m inclined to shake her hand or make a joke, ask her more questions, but footsteps on the stairs have us turning toward the living room where Hannah appears.

She brushes her blonde hair back and eyes the table and then Hadley and me. She’s wearing a pair of shorts and a cut-off shirt that reveals most of her stomach. She’s a hot nerd, enunciated by the glasses she pushes up her nose. At a party, I’d probably flirt with her. It’s a feeling entirely different than the intrigue and motivation I feel toward learning more about Hadley, which has my attention returning to my coffee.

“Morning,” Hadley says. “There’s a fresh pot of coffee.”

Hannah flashes a smile as she veers into the kitchen, straight for the coffee machine.

I wad up the wrapper from my sandwich and push my chair back. “I have to head to campus,” I say.

“Thanks for breakfast,” Hadley says, taking a fleeting look at my suit again. “And good luck tonight.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

“Before you go…” Hannah says, looking nervous and hopeful at the same time.


“Okay. I’m going to shoot my shot,” Hannah says. “Are you friends with Ethan James?”
