Page 6 of The Roommate Route

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Footsteps on the stairs in front of me have me glancing up to see my little sister, her easygoing expression and steps stalling as she notices me. “What are you doing here?” Her speculative gaze and pursed lips likely have her roommate thinking we don’t get along, or maybe she knows Katie well enough to know she’s suspicious of everyone. Once as kids, our parents took us to Disney World, and she gave every character Mom made us wait in line to pose with the third degree, telling them all she knew they were imposters. She made at least a dozen kids cry.

“It’s been a few weeks,” I say. Neither of us went home for the summer, me because we have to take classes year-round to earn enough credits and our break from football is only a couple of weeks, and Katie because she started dating a guy last winter and had a part-time job that kept her busy.

She nods. “Want to come in or is this a well-visit drive-by?”

I grin, taking a step into the house. It smells a hell of a lot better than our dorm, which reeks of paint and fresh carpet from the summer.

“You guys got a new table,” I say, nodding at the dining room table.

She nods. “We ordered it last spring, but it was on backorder forever.” She looks around the room, as though searching for another safe topic to discuss. “Do you want something to drink?”

“Water would be great. Thanks.”

Katie moves to the fridge, withdrawing a bottle of water that she hands to me.

“How’s Carsen?” I ask though I’m still undecided if I like the guy. He’s my age and kind of awkward. However, he seems to make her happy.

“He’s doing well.”

“Still on track to become a lawyer?”

Katie nods. “Still on track.”

I take a pull of water. “What about you? Classes good?”

“It’s still the first week, and it’s only Wednesday.”

It feels like it’s December. The idea that it’s only the first week mentally taxes me and has me cutting through pleasantries. “I have a proposition.”

Katie shakes her head. “I’m not interested.”

“You haven’t even heard it.”

“I don’t need to.”

“I can move out of the dorm,” I say, jumping straight into the fire.

“Good for you.” Her response is only half sarcastic because she knows I was jealous as a stray cat when I helped her move in here last fall.

“But there’s a catch.”

“There always is, and I’m guessing that’s why you’re here.”

“I have to live with a relative.”

Katie shakes her head. “I have two roommates.”

“I thought you had three?”

“She’s abroad for the year.”

Her words have the proverbial bell in my head, ringing that this is right and true. “That’s perfect. I can take her room.”

“Nolan, you can’t sleep across the hall from my roommates.”

“Why not?”
