Page 73 of The Roommate Route

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“Does that mean you’re moving back in?”

Katie gave me the green light—or yellow light—yesterday after we met for coffee. I nod. “Tonight, after practice.”

“You should move into April’s old room. The basement’s frigid during the winter. There’s no ductwork down there for the furnace.”

“Worried about me?”

“You wouldn’t be nearly so cute if you lost all your teeth from chattering all night.”

I swing the door of the facility open for her and she heads inside without looking at me, retracing the steps we’d taken Saturday.

She stops when Lenny appears, buck ass naked.

Hadley slaps a hand over her eyes and turns around. “I’m so so so sorry,” she says.

“Dude,” I exclaim.

Lenny laughs, reaching for a towel that he wraps around his waist. “Don’t worry, Hadley. I’m not the shy type. Even a cold shower doesn’t give me winterdick.” He thrusts his hips though Hadley’s back is still to him. “Although, I’ve heard some say it’s not the size of the dog, but the size of their fight, I’m pretty sure they haven’t experienced—”

“For fuck’s sake, just get dressed,” I growl, feeling the desire to strike him.

Lenny crows with laughter.

I set a hand on Hadley’s shoulder to turn her, and she peeks through her fingers at me. “If this was another one of your—”

I don’t try to glower, but that’s all I can manage.

“Are more in the showers?” I ask.

Lenny grins. “Just me, but Callum and some of the defensive lineup are finishing up with the weights and will be in here soon.” He cuts his attention to Hadley, still grinning as she keeps her back to him.

I set my hand on her shoulder, indicating she can safely turn around before leading her the rest of the way, my attention catching on every sound and movement, fearing I’m leading her straight into a fucking peep show.

When we make it into Holbrook’s office he instructs Hadley to climb on the table. She hops up, pulling off her shoe to reveal the purple bruise that runs parallel to the bottom of her foot, proof of her sprain. “How’s it feeling?” he asks, pushing her neon pink painted toes back.

“Good,” Hadley chimes.

“Are you still icing it?”

“I will tonight…”

He nods. “At least twice. And elevate it.” He runs his thumb along the length of the bruise before turning to me. “Massage would help, and once it stops swelling, putting heat on it will promote healing.” He reaches for a roll of tape, not asking permission before he tells Hadley to point her toes to the ceiling and begins taping her. “And don’t forget compression.” He adds the final piece of tape and pats her thigh.

Hadley slides her canvas shoe back on.

“I want to see you back here on Friday.”

“Thanks for seeing me.”

Holbrook nods, looking at Nolan. “He doesn’t ask for many favors.”

“I’ll see you in a few hours,” I say, grabbing Hadley’s bag so we can leave.

We take one of the back exits to avoid chancing running into any more of the guys. “Where’s your next class?” I ask.

“Watson Hall.”

I raise my brow, hope working to tackle me. “What class?”
