Page 18 of Merried

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I shook my head and laughed. “I haven’t done much of that in the last few years.”


“Laugh. You disarm me—in a good way. Not many people do.”

He turned to his side like I had. “I love making you laugh.”

I held my breath for a minute before slowly blowing it out. “For the most part, I’ve spent four years alone. It’s going to take me a minute to get used to spending time with anyone outside of work.”

“I can be patient, Calla.”

As much as I wanted to lean in and kiss him, I wasn’t sure I could say the same thing.

We reacheda compromise for the trip to Lake Placid. Since we were both flying economy to Austin, we agreed to splurge for first class to New York. After our tickets were booked, and before Spider left to return to Palm Beach, he asked if he could take me to dinner again the night before our flight to Texas for the Invincibles’ party.

“Just so there’s no miscommunication, you can stay here—in the guest room—that night,” I said.

He winked. “Guest room, my room, same difference, right?”

This man could make me smile like no other ever had, including Beau. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, a horrible feeling settled in my stomach.

“What just happened?” Spider asked.

“On second thought, you should probably get a hotel room that night.”

He put his hands on my shoulders. “I can do that, but tell me what made you do a one-eighty.”

I took a step backwards. “It just isn’t a good idea for you to stay here.”

He dropped his hands and slowly nodded. “More than anything, I’m your friend, Calla. Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. If I’m doing something that makes you uncomfortable, say so.”

Could I? Wasn’t I already giving this man so many mixed signals his neck would surely snap? Physically, I was so attracted to him it was hard for me not to touch him if he was within reach. I enjoyed his company more than anyone since Beau. But as far as making me smile, making me laugh, Spider did more often than I remembered my husband doing, and that, along with the physical stuff, felt like betrayal.

“You lost your husband four years ago, and you’re not ready to move on from your relationship with him. I heard you loud and clear when you said that earlier, sweetheart. I promise I won’t push for more than you’re able to give or more than you’re interested in.”

I studied him. There had to be a long line of women interested in a relationship with Spider. Women who were younger, more attractive, not stuck between moving on and staying loyal to their dead husband. “Why me?” I whispered.

He shook his head. “You feel the connection as much as I do. Whether you’re ready for it or not is the question. However, there’s no denying the chemistry between us. If you do, you’re lying.”


“If I thought for one minute this thing was one-sided, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve been there and done that, remember? There’s no way I’ll set myself up for similar heartbreak.”

“What if I’m never ready?”

He scratched the side of his head. “I’m not sure I want to answer.”

“Why not?”

“You’re either going to think I’m a pompous ass or full of shit. Maybe both. I also don’t want you to think I won’t respect your wishes to take things slow.”


He walked away, turning to face the window.

“Spider? Just tell me.”

He looked up at the ceiling and shook his head. “I’m so afraid I’m going to regret saying this.”
