Page 33 of Merried

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“I guess I’m not ready to decide.”

“It hasn’t been twenty-four hours, so that stands to reason.”

We finished our wine and were about to look for something to eat when Cowboy and Winslow approached. I waited for the pang of jealousy that usually hit the center of my chest when I saw the two of them together, but it never struck. I was truly happy for Winslow. She’d found her match in Cowboy.

“Am I interrupting?” asked a man I’d seen photos of but, again, hadn’t met—Kellen “Money” McTiernan. He was the current director of the CIA and had lent agent support to the serial killer investigation.

“She isnotgoing back to the agency,” said a man with a gruff voice, who had an unlit stogie in his mouth.

“Hey, Hammer,” said Calla. “Do you know Spider? Hammer and his wife, Maeve, own this place.”

While I’d heard of several of the Invincibles team members, I didn’t recall one with the code name Hammer.

“Hammer’s the attorney for the Invincibles,” Casper explained.

“Was,”said another woman. “Hi, I’m Fury and this is Tres,” she said. “You must be Spider.” She elbowed Hammer. “This ol’ guy retired, and I’m now the attorney of record for both teams.”

“I also heard you and Vex are heading the Unstoppables,” I said.

“I am, and we’re anxious to speak with you and Casper.”

“But this is a party,mi tormenta,” said Tres, nuzzling Fury’s neck. I envied the man, wishing I could lean in and do the same to Calla.

“McTiernan is my brother-in-law,” said Hammer. “My wife is around here somewhere. We’ve got plenty of staff working tonight, but she likes to check in periodically.”

“At least for a dance,” said Tres, winking.

“My wife insists all our employees dance at least once during their shift.”

“Why?” I asked. “Not that there’s anything wrong with dancing.”

“If you can’t have fun while you’re working, you don’t belong here,” said Tres. “And while I’m not working, I’m ready for some fun.” He took Fury’s hand and led her to the dance floor.

“Shall we join them?” I said to Calla, holding my hand out to her. She hesitated long enough I thought she’d turn me down. I breathed a sigh of relief when she put her arm through mine rather than take my hand.

While the song the band was playing wasn’t considered slow, I held her in my arms anyway. “Hey,” I said, resting my forehead against hers. “How are you holding up?”

“I’m more accustomed to fading into the background.”

“Rile warned you, you’d be wooed tonight.”

“This trip down the memory lane of missions is making me uncomfortable.”

“I’m sure they just want you to know how important your role was.”

“As I said, I was just doing my job.”

I twirled her around the floor. “You have no idea how spectacular you are, do you?”

“Because I’m not.” Calla buried her head in my shoulder.

“May I cut in?” asked a guy about the size of Steel as the band started another song.

“Uh, sure.”

He held out his hand. “I’m Smoke.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said as I turned to walk away, realizing when I was too far to turn back that I hadn’t shaken his hand.
