Page 37 of Merried

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She raised a brow and poured more whiskey into our glasses. “What kinds of things?”

“Go to Fiji or spend Christmas day eating Chinese food and going to an amusement park.”

Maeve’s eyes bored into mine. “You’ve fallen in love with him, haven’t you?”

“I think I have.”

“Does he love you?”

While he’d never said the words, I knew in my heart he loved me. “He does.”

“Where is he now?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then, I suggest we find him.”



“Are you sure you want me to take you straight to the airport?” Buster asked.

“Positive,” I responded, staring out the window at the black of night.

“What about your stuff?”

“Nothing I can’t replace.” I tugged at the end of the bow tie, and when it released, pulled it from around my neck and shoved it in my pocket. I rested my head against the seat and closed my eyes.

“Are you sure you can get a flight out tonight?”

“Positive,” I repeated, even though I wasn’t at all. However, even if I had to sit in the airport until tomorrow, it would be better than going back to the ranch and facing Calla. I took out my phone and opened the travel app.

There was a red-eye I could catch in two hours that stopped in Atlanta before continuing on to Palm Beach International Airport. I tapped the screen, and in mere minutes, had purchased a one-way flight in first class, and selected my seat.

“You sure you’re okay?”

“Buster, if you ask me one more question, I might have to punch you in the face. Considering you’re driving, that’s probably not a great idea. So shut the fuck up.”

The man remainedsilent the rest of the way to the airport. When he pulled up, I opened the door to get out and thanked him. “You’re a good friend, Buster. Sorry I said I wanted to punch you.”

He shrugged. “I would’ve said the same to you if I had the night you have.”

“If anyone asks, I had a family emergency.”

“You got it. See ya, Spider.” He waved and I saluted.

I went inside and walked straight through security since the airport was practically empty. Conveniently, there was a bar directly across from the gate.

“What can I get you?” the bartender asked when I took a seat.

“Bourbon. Neat. And keep ’em comin’.”

“You got it, sir.”

I pulled a hundred-dollar bill out of my wallet and set it on the bar. Maybe Iwasdestined to be an asshole just like my father. The only difference was he’d found a woman who loved him. Me? I was oh for two. Not great odds that I’d live a happy life.

I tossed back the bourbon and realized I hadn’t had anything to eat since early this morning. “Is the kitchen open?”
