Page 49 of Merried

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“Condom, sweetheart.”

Her hand clasped my wrist. “I haven’t been with a man since…”

I was grateful she didn’t say his name. Her dead husband and any memories of him didn’t belong in bed with us.

“I haven’t been with another woman since before we met, and once we had, I knew I’d wait for you and you alone, no matter how long it took.”

“No condom, Spider. I want to feel you. Nothing between us ever again.”

I settled between her legs and eased my cock into her. She was burning hot, drenched, and so tight my eyes rolled back in my head.

“Give me more,” she demanded.

“At midnight, you can take over, baby. Right now, I’m in charge.” If I didn’t take this slow, I wouldn’t last. I angled my hips, giving her what she’d asked for. When our eyes met and Calla clenched around me, it was like a bolt of lightning struck me. What I felt for this woman was more than words could convey. I loved her. I would for the rest of my life. I’d honor, protect, and vow to make her smile, make her life, make her happy every day we were blessed to spend together.

I thrust deeper, sliding my hands under her ass, increasing my rhythm until her cheeks flushed as her fingernails dug into my arms where her hands rested.

“Come with me,” she pleaded.

I exploded into her at the same time her back arched and she cried out, “Spider.”

Hearingmyname on her lips, knowing she was mine now, nearly brought me to tears. I eased from her body, rolled to her side, and gathered her in my arms.

“Saying I love you feels so inadequate.”

She smiled and cupped my cheek with her soft hand. “You just showed me what words can’t express.”

I covered her hand with mine and brought her palm to my lips. “This is the happiest day of my life, and I know that sounds stupid and immature and cheesy, but it’s true.”

She inhaled as if she was about to speak, but I covered her lips with my fingertips.

“There’s something I need to say. Do. Say and do. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I can’t.”

I released her from my arms, reached to the bedside table, and turned the light on. Calla walked over to where I’d set her bag earlier.

I watched as she pulled out two boxes wrapped with Christmas paper, then picked up the one she’d brought with her from Texas that was sitting on the dresser.

When Calla knelt on the bed, facing me, I wrapped my arm around her, nestling her nakedness closer to me. I sat up when she handed me the biggest of the three boxes. “This is what made your bag so heavy.”

She smiled and watched as I removed the lid and peeled away the layers of tissue paper. I reached in and pulled out a piece of what could only be lead crystal, given its weight. It was made of red glass, and its many facets were cut into the shape of a heart.

I looked into Calla’s eyes. “There was a time I believed my heart would belong to Beau for all eternity. Today, I’m giving it to you.” She put her hand on mine and turned the piece of glass over. Etched into the bottom were the words “Calla’s Heart.”

I brought it to my lips, kissed the words, then kissed her. No gift had ever meant more other than her telling me she loved me.

“I will treasure, protect, and honor this and you every day for the rest of my life.”

“And I’ll do the same for you.” She looked down at the two other packages. “Rile came to the Hammered Dubliner the morning after the party and asked to see me. I came downstairs and found him waiting in the foyer, and he had these two packages with him. He made me promise I would get yours to you.”

“Do you want to do that now?” I asked, setting the glass heart on the bedside table.

“I feel like we’re supposed to.”

“Okay. Count of three?”

She rolled her eyes, and I watched as she painstakingly unwrapped and folded the paper I’d torn open. The boxes underneath were the same size and shape.

We lifted the lids at the same time. I glanced over and saw hers was a frame like mine was. I turned it over, and behind the glass was a photo of Calla. Near the bottom, a handwritten note read, “The cost of not following your heart is spending your life wishing you had.”
