Page 110 of Love Me Forever

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“Speaking of which, no one's told me any of Travis's deep dark secrets yet," Bonnie added.

"Oh no. Tate’s right," Luke said. "Don't rile us up when we’re drunk."

"Why not?"

"Because our stories become unreliable."

Tate grimaced. "Veryunreliable."

"Remember that time when we scared away Sam’s date with this weird story that wasn't even about him, it was about Travis?" Luke said.

"Hey, don't scare my girl, now," I said.

"Do tell!" Bonnie sat down next to me. She looked hot as hell in her yoga outfit. It molded to her curves. She had a small bump now, and I couldn't wait for her to be visibly pregnant. "Come on. This is my chance."

Sam cleared his throat, standing up. "Bonnie, I give you my gentleman’s word that you'll hear the story one day, but that day is not today. It needs the right flair to be fun, and we're all past the stage where we can add flair to anything."

She laughed. "Does it count if you're not a gentleman?"

He shook his head. "What have you been telling her about me? Why would she say that?"

"Oh, I just put two and two together from various stories," Bonnie said with an impish smile. I fucking adored this woman.

"Boys, come on. Let's get going,” Tate said.

We all rose from the couch.

Sam came up to me. “Dude, I like your girl.”

“Good. I like her too.”

He frowned. “Damn, I need to be sober for this."

Luke groaned. "Come on, man. Now you gave our plan away."

"What plan?" I inquired.

Sam pointed at Luke. "This one wanted revenge for the fact that you made him jealous when you went on that trip with him and Megan."

Megan burst out laughing. "Is that how Luke tells the story? Let me clarify it for you. Travis didn't make him jealous. Luke simply decided to be out of the blue." She glanced at Dad. "I’m so sorry you heard that.”

"I'll pretend I heard nothing," Dad said.

Gran liked to say that she raised all of us to be gentlemen, but honestly, Dad was the only gentleman in the family. The genes got diluted with us.

"All right. I think this is turning into Operation Let's Embarrass Luke," Luke grumbled.

"My love, you've turned it into that all by your lonesome," Megan said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, everyone. Let's head out for real this time," Dad said. "Bonnie, we did our best. We hope you like at least one of the beds. See you at the grand opening."

After they left, I turned her around, holding her tightly against me.

"Oh wow. You're lovely when you're drunk," she said.


