Page 112 of Love Me Forever

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Chapter Twenty-Eight



"You look absolutelydashing," I said two weeks later, watching Travis as he buttoned his shirt. We were in the presidential suite of the Maxwell Hotel.

I could pinch myself; it was all so fancy that I was afraid to touch anything. He'd insisted it was better if we stayed here. That way, after the party was over, we could come straight here and sleep. That was fine by me, as I was sure I’d be exhausted by the time the night was over.

I was wearing a gorgeous floor-length red dress I'd bought with Reese. She took me shopping. Ashley hung out with us, too, oohing and aahing at every dress I tried on. After I introduced the girls to her at the yoga class, they'd all been in touch ever since.

My belly was already showing a bit at four months, but the dress was covering it.

Travis was looking at me like he wanted to eat me up right here, right now. He seemed to stumble on his last button.

I smirked. "I see I'm distracting you so much that you can't even button up your shirt."

"I'd rather take it off," he said.

"There will be plenty of time for that later," I replied, finishing the job for him. Then I grabbed the cuff links from the mahogany vanity table and put them on him. They had a black stone embossed with the word Maxwell around it. They were clearly custom-made.

His phone buzzed. It was on the vanity table too. Reese was calling.

"Oh, she called me earlier too. I forgot to call her back.”

“She’s probably hounding us to go downstairs. Are you ready?" he growled.

My eyes widened. "Why did you make that sound?"

"You look so damn good, and all I can think about is taking the dress off you."

I shook my finger at him. "No, you don't. We need to look presentable. If you have your way with me, everyone will be able to tell."

He grinned wolfishly.

"I'm not sure what you're thinking right now, but I'm going." I dashed to the door, laughing.

Travis caught up with me, and we went to the elevator together.

The hotel was beautiful. Even the walls looked fancy, covered in silk wallpaper or something like that. I had no idea what it was, but it felt very smooth. I'd accidentally brushed it on my way to the room and needed to remind myself that I couldn't walk around touching the walls.

We took the elevator down and stepped out into the entrance area.
