Page 22 of Love Me Forever

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“And she’s doing a great job showing me the best parts of Oceanwell Bay,” Travis told her.

"How's your hip, Mrs. Lewis?" I asked.

"Now, now, Bonnie. Don't embarrass me in front of this handsome young man."

Travis winked at me, clearly pleased that she'd called him handsome within seconds of meeting him. Then again, I couldn't fault her—because he was.

"Fine, then I'll be more discreet. How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I'm seventy, not eighty-two."

I refrained from asking if her hip was better when she was seventy.

Travis and I moved along as two real customers came by. I didn't want to take up Mrs. Lewis's time.

"I'm just a guy you're showing around?" Travis asked as we walked through the stands. "Ashamed of me?"

"Trust me, they would roast you. They might be elderly, but they have sass. I'm happy they're here. It means they feel good enough for that."

As we passed another stand, a gorgeous necklace caught my attention. The pendant was a knot of some sort and seemed to be made of bronze. It was hypnotizing.

I knew the woman who owned the stand. Phillipa was a darling. In her forties, she was doing everything she could to raise her two young daughters alone. They sometimes came by the clinic to check on our animals. I’d promised Anne, her youngest, that I’d introduce her to Steve.

Phillipa was engaged in a conversation with another customer right now, and I didn’t interrupt. I turned it around to look at the price tag and winced. It was far too expensive for my budget. Some people liked to bargain, but I wouldn't do that. Phillipa needed the money.

As Travis and I moved on, I noticed a food cart in the distance.

"Oh, she's here," I exclaimed.

"Who's here?" Travis asked.

"See that food cart there? Georgina has the best cupcakes. She makes small batches and sells them at the fair. She even has some with pineapple cream, and it's the best thing I've ever tasted. Come on, let's go quickly. I can't believe I haven't seen it until now. I hope they still have the pineapple ones."

I made a beeline to the cart, unhappy that there was already a line. I stood at the back of it and craned my neck, trying to see if there were still cupcakes left. I noticed some, and I hoped there would still be plenty left when my turn came.

I turned around to talk to Travis and saw him slowly walking my way. I hadn't realized he hadn't followed me. Maybe he stayed back to look at the other stands.

“Did you find something you like?” I asked.

He flashed me a charming smile. “Maybe. How's the hunt for cupcakes going?”

“There are still a few left. Fingers crossed she won’t sell out until our turn comes.”

“Are they your favorite dessert?” he asked.

“Yes, along with ice cream. That always takes the edge off.”

Travis glanced in the front, then back at me. “If they sell out, I’ll persuade her to bake a few just for you.”

I felt my eyes bulge. He wasn’t done charming me, was he? I couldn’t even chalk it up to him wanting to get in my pants—he’d already done that. Several times.

I had absolutely no doubt he could convince Georgina to bake more. He simply had thatje ne sais quoithat made him irresistible, and very persuasive.

Luckily, his persuasion skills weren’t needed, as there were still four cupcakes left when our turn came. We bought all of them and moved a few feet away from the crowd. And then we simply devoured them. Well, I did. He was eating surprisingly slower. I stopped after practically inhaling the first cupcake, though. I had to pace myself. I didn't want to eat it too fast.

"This is delicious," he said halfway through his cupcake. "I wonder why pineapple cream isn't more common. I like that it's a bit sour. It takes away from the sugar overload."

"I know. It's the same for me. I usually prefer toppings that also have a sour component, like cherries or lemon and dark chocolate."
