Page 25 of Love Me Forever

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"That's one way to put it. I’d call it dreadful," he said, "and it's closed."

"Yes, the sign says he went out for a bit." And then realization hit me, and I said, “To be honest, though, I'm not sure when the sign was put there. It could very well have been there for weeks. Let's just give it a few more minutes."

"Okay," Travis said.

"You don't really want to be here, do you?"

"I like your exploratory nature." He rested the backs of his fingers on my cheek, drawing the contour of my jaw until he reached my other cheek. A storm was rolling in, judging by the dark clouds.

"That looks like rain," I said. I bit my lip. "Let's give it a couple more minutes, and if no one comes, we can just go."

The thunder rolled in the very next second, and then several things happened at the same time. There was another noise, but it didn't sound like thunder. Belatedly, I realized the museum itself was shaking.

Just then, tiles started to come down from the museum’s roof. Travis pushed me out of the way at the same moment, toward the part of the museum that was stable—for now. Tiles fell where we had stood, and even though we didn't have any falling on top of us, there was plenty of debris all around.

"Oh my God. How do we always have this luck?" I asked.

"Good thing I'm always paying attention."

I looked at both our coats. They were covered in white debris. "Well, what else can we do with these dirty clothes except take them off?"

Travis grinned. "My thoughts exactly."

"I can't decide if you're truly a knight in shining armor or you just choose your moments to get me naked."

He laughed, looking down at me. "You're the one who brought it up."

Swallowing hard, I admitted, “I was actually hoping the manager would play even harder to get and you’d have to stay longer.”

His smile faded. “I can’t. I’ve got to hit the ground running when I’m back in Chicago. But when you’re back—”

I put my finger against his lips, shaking my head. “We’re here now. Let’s not talk about the future.”

He said he wasn't boyfriend material. I’d just get depressed instead of enjoying this moment.

After all, I had him until the end of the week, and I planned to thoroughly enjoy every day we had left.
