Page 38 of Love Me Forever

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“I’ve got to run now because I promised my coworkers I'd be back after picking you up, but if you wait for me, we’ll unpack together, okay?” She worked in online advertising at a prestigious marketing agency.

“Don’t be silly. I’ll do it myself. Come on, go, go. And don’t worry about me.”


After she left, I looked around with a smile. I loved my apartment in Chicago. I’d lived here for three years before temporarily relocating to Oceanwell Bay.

Standing inside it, I could feel that someone else had lived here. They’d cleaned it thoroughly, but some items were misplaced. The TV remote was on the console when I always kept it on the coffee table. In the kitchen, they’d left the tea selection on the counter; I usually hid it in a cabinet.

I was happy to be back. I personally thought it was one of the best apartments ever, which was why I’d chosen to sublet it instead of giving it up. I loved that it had a living room on one level and the bedroom with a bathroom on another. It seemed roomier than if everything were on the same floor.

The furniture was a mix and match of all the places I’d lived before. I'd had my couch since graduating college, and the dining room table was the one I'd bought in the first apartment I shared with three friends. Nothing really matched, but I thought it looked cozy. The only new thing in here was the huge fluffy white rug in the living room. I cringed, realizing it was a choking hazard and wasn't exactly babyproof. Then again, this whole place wasn't. Having a baby in here hadn't even crossed my mind when I chose it. Still, I would make do.

I was exhausted, so instead of unpacking my bags and washing everything as I usually did after I came back from a trip, I just lay on the couch to rest. I needed a few minutes. Pregnancy was kicking my ass. I hadn't expected to be so tired all the time, especially since I was only in the first trimester. At least I wasn’t having morning sickness.

Biting my lip, I grabbed my phone, doing something I hadn't done in days—I looked up Travis again. I avoided doing it because every time I couldn't manage to find any information on him, my heart broke a little bit more. I figured now that I was in Chicago, maybe things would be easier, even though I couldn't see how. It was a huge city. It wasn't like I could start searching for him in person. Granted, he was a Maxwell, and while I should be able to find a way to contact him, I wanted to be cautious with how I did it. He needed to know what happened but not feel liable in any way. I really did not expect anything from him.

But I was determined to find him. He should know.

The usual articles came up, and I nearly threw my phone away. But instead, I forced myself to scroll to the bottom of the first page of results and even the second one.

My heart somersaulted.Wait a second. I haven't seen this link before.The title was, "Travis Maxwell is preparing to open a hotel. You can find out more here."

I clicked the link, excitement coursing through me. There was no information on it, except "The Maxwell Hotel—Coming Soon." I scrolled up and down the page. On the bottom was a Contact Us button.

Oh my God, there's a contact email.

My whole body shook with relief. Finally, after weeks of no trace of him, I had something. It was a very general email address, [email protected], but still, it was something. I had nothing before.

I immediately started drafting an email, but I paused after typing,Hi Travis.I deleted it right away. Logically, I knew this email had to be monitored by his employees. He wouldn't be checking such a general email address. My fingers were shaking. What was I supposed to write?

Biting the inside of my cheek, I started again.

To whomever it might concern,

I need to contact Travis Maxwell. I know him personally. My name is Bonnie Wilson. Please have him call me.

Then I added my number and clicked Send quickly before I changed my mind.

After I sent the email, I was more jittery than I thought possible. I kept checking my phone every few minutes. What was I expecting? For someone to answer right away? Honestly, part of me was hoping for exactly that. I had this dream tucked away where Travis couldn't wait to hear from me and would jump at the opportunity to meet again.

I felt energized, too, so I finally unpacked everything and started a load of laundry. Then I cooked myself a healthy dinner of steamed broccoli and fish I had in the freezer. Ashley had stopped by to check the apartment before I arrived, and I asked her to stock my freezer with some healthy food. I made a mental note to start researching healthy and tasty recipes.

I checked my emails again before going to bed. Still no answer, but I was optimistic. I was in a much better position than I'd been last week when I thought I’d never be able to reach him.

The next morning, though, I wasn't feeling so optimistic as I hurried to the clinic. My email was still unanswered. Logically, I knew it was only 8:00 a.m. I couldn't expect anyone to check the emails that fast, or to think I was a priority. Maybe I should've given more details, but I couldn't possibly put the pregnancy in the message or bring up our fling in Oceanwell Bay. I was barely fighting the urge to send a second email. I didn't think it would help.

I smiled when I reached the clinic, sighing. This was my second home. I stepped inside, taking off my thick winter jacket.

Angie poked her head through one of the doors.

"Bonnie, welcome. You didn't have to come so early."

"Oh, I know. I just wanted to get all the paperwork out of the way before starting my first day."

"How are you feeling?" She was the only ones who knew about the pregnancy.

"I'm good, honestly. I'm ready to work. I'm just a bit sad that I left all my patients back in Oceanwell Bay. I miss them."
