Page 69 of Love Me Forever

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"Yeah, but first things first, let’s eat that curry I ordered.”

"That is music to my ears." Fortunately, my appetite was back.

Ten minutes later, he came in with curry and two cans of soda, sitting on the bed next to me. This felt intimate, like we were a couple just settling in on Friday night to watch Netflix. It was homey, and I liked it far too much.

Don't get used to this, Bonnie. Don't get used to it. It's just for this weekend, I kept telling myself.

We ate the curry without even talking.

Travis laughed as I took the last spoonful.

“You ate fast.” He pointed at my empty dish.

“So did you.” His bowl was also empty.

Standing up, he opened the window because the curry stank up the room. He took the bowls, and I had a brief reprieve from the constant sexual tension. My body was on alert whenever he was near.

He returned far too quickly, closing the window and sitting next to me once more. Damn, he was even closer than before.

I'd propped my pillow near the center too. I held my breath when I realized he was only a few inches away from me. I could feel the heat of his body rolling off him and slipping over to me. He was close enough that I could smell a hint of mint. Was it his shower gel? Or perhaps he'd brushed his teeth after eating? I should brush mine, too, but I’d start the show first.

"Should I press Play?" I asked. My voice didn't sound right.

"Yes." His answer was more of a groan, sounding gruff.

If I turned too fast, I risked bumping my head into his, yet I didn't want to move farther away. I turned on the show.

"I've seen it a couple times, and if it were just me, I probably wouldn't start at the beginning, but it wouldn't make sense for you otherwise. I'd have to explain too many things."

We started with season one, episode one. It felt like coming home and surrounding myself in a snuggly blanket. It was truly one of my comfort shows.

"Okay, so far, I’m not impressed," Travis explained when we were on episode three.

I sighed, exasperated, because we were in the middle of aterrificscene.

"It's romance, Travis. It's a slow burn."

"I don't see the burn," he said nonchalantly.

I narrowed my eyes, poking his arm. "Don't make fun of my show."

He cocked his head in my direction. The tips of our noses almost touched, and I felt his breath on my lips. My belly somersaulted.

"Or what?" he asked, a challenge in his tone.

"I don't know," I said, sounding far sassier and braver than I felt. Being so close to him was seriously messing with my defenses. "I'll think about a particularly nasty vengeance."

I elbowed him, and my entire body warmed at the contact.

"If you don't like it, I can watch it on my own."

"No, it's fine. I’m tormenting you."

My jaw dropped. "So you're doing it on purpose? Tell the truth. You actually like it."

"The jury is still out," he said, and then we both turned to the TV.

When the episode with the wedding night came on, I looked at Travis more than the TV. When the sexy scene began, I could instantly see the change in him. He straightened up, leaning slightly forward. His eyes bulged and were glued to the screen.
